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Tu Course Reviews

Towson University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 466Design For The Www II00000
ART 335Photo Imaging - Concepts II00000
ART 344Experimental Drawing And Painting00000
ART 347Screen Process I00000
ART 350Etching And Intaglio Processes00000
ART 416Advanced Studio00000
ART 431Watercolor II00000
ART 441Advanced Sculpture I00000
ART 445Experimental Directions00000
ART 450Intaglio Process II00000
ART 457Graphic Design III00000
ART 462Digital Illustration00000
ART 334Photo Imaging - Concepts I00000
ART 473Illustration Concepts For Designers And Illustrators00000
ART 477Animation: 3D00000
ART 490Internship In Art00000
ART 496Graphic Design: Portfolio00000
ART 499Honors Thesis In Art00000
ART 514Advanced Studio00000
ART 547Screen Process II00000
ART 573Illustration II00000
ART 602Elements Of Visual Design00000
ART 611Graduate Drawing I00000
ART 620Graduate Typography00000
ART 146Honors Drawing For Non-Art Majors00000
ART 610Elements Of Www Design00000
ART 615Graduate Studio00000
ART 635Graduate Experimental Directions00000
ART 653Graphics: Lithography, Serigraphy00000
ART 678New Directions In Painting, Experimental Media And Art II00000
ART 782Art Topics00000
ART 785Mfa Studio II00000
ART 101Digital Tools And Concepts00000
ART 1043D Process00000
ART 107Ceramics For Non-Art Majors00000
ART 113Painting For Non-Art Majors00000
ART 641Interactive Media Concept And Theory00000
ART 161Digital Object Design For Non-Art Majors00000
ART 212Visual Concepts00000
ART 219Imagemaking: Concept And Practice00000
ART 231Ceramics I00000
ART 236Photo Imaging - Light00000
ART 237Photo Imaging - Alternative Process00000
ART 245Introduction To Printmaking00000
ART 308Ceramics: The Raku Process00000
ART 312Ceramics: Special Process00000
ART 317Graphic Design I00000
ART 323Perceptual Painting00000
ART 3773Study Abroad00000
ART 7993Independent Study00000
ART 1183Design I00000
ART 1773Study Abroad00000
ART 2023Drawing II00000
ART 2093Ceramics Today00000
ART 2123Printmaking I00000
ART 2153Photography I00000
ART 2863ST:New Media Art Technq00000
ART 3193Photography I00000
ART 3273Typography/Graphic Prod00000
ART 3333Collage Studio00000
ART 7981Research & Thesis00000
ART 4033Painting Studio00000
ART 4063Printmaking Studio00000
ART 4263Digital Video & Animatn00000
ART 4863St: 3D Env & Landscpe Part II00000
ART 4903Third Floor Design00000
ART 4973Senior Seminar00000
ART 5973Professionalism in the Arts00000
ART 7064Printmaking00000
ART 7973Professionalism in the Arts00000
ART 7983Research & Thesis00000
ART 7994Independent Study00000
ART 3053Drawing: Adv Studio00000
ART 671Graduate Programming For Design00000
ART 715Mfa Studio I00000
ART 783Mfa Seminar00000
ART 880Mfa Project00000
ART 1103Drawing I00000
ART 1193Design II00000
ART 1774Study Abroad00000
ART 2063Digit Art: Surv & Pract00000
ART 2113Painting I00000
ART 2133Ceramics I00000
ART 2243Design II00000
ART 578New Directions In Painting, Experimental Media And Art I00000
ART 3243Graphics Communication I00000
ART 3293Package Design00000
ART 3443Digit Draw Illustration00000
ART 3993Independent Study00000
ART 4036Painting Studio00000
ART 4153Photography Studio00000
ART 4803ST:3D Envrn & Landscape00000
ART 4993Independent Study00000
ART 7063Printmaking00000
ART 7066Printmaking00000
ART 471Programming For Designers00000
ART 380Information, Experience, Interface: I00000
ART 400Ceramic Raw Materials00000
ART 407Ceramics III: Clay Sculpture00000
ART 414Advanced Studio00000
ART 417Graphic Design II00000
ART 420Animation Studio00000
ART 435Photo Imaging - Portfolio00000
ART 443Advanced Sculpture00000
ART 449Relief Process II00000
ART 456Typography II00000
ART 463Interactive Media: Experimental00000
ART 373Illustration Principles For Designers And Illustrators00000
ART 474Advanced Illustration00000
ART 478Elements Of Game Design00000
ART 491Internship In Art00000
ART 498Bfa Project00000
ART 507Materials: Concept And Process00000
ART 543Interactive Media: Theory And Application00000
ART 561Digital Object Design II00000
ART 608Graduate Ceramics I00000
ART 614Graduate Studio00000
ART 629Graduate Painting I00000
ART 650Graduate Intaglio, Relief I00000
ART 318Metals + Jewelry II00000
ART 106Drawing For Non-Art Majors00000
ART 117Printmaking For Non-Art Majors00000
ART 156Artist Books For Non-Art Majors00000
ART 205The Human Figure00000
ART 217Imagemaking: Digital Process00000
ART 220Design: Creativity + Process00000
ART 234Photo Imaging - Film00000
ART 238Photo Imaging - Motion00000
ART 258Photo Imaging - Digital I00000
ART 309Ceramics II: Utilitarian Pottery00000
ART 313Enameling: Glass On Metal00000
ART 673Graduate Illustration I00000
ART 324Abstract Painting00000
ART 338Photo Imaging - Advanced Motion00000
ART 345New Directions/Print00000
ART 348Artist Print00000
ART 351Writing About Art00000
ART 353Lithographic Process I00000
ART 356Artist Books00000
ART 358Photo Imaging - Digital II00000
ART 361Digital Object Design00000
ART 363Interactive Media: Theory And Application00000
ART 370Special Topics In Art00000
ART 453Lithography Process II00000
ART 362Digital Art: 3D00000
ART 365Design For The Www00000
ART 372Advanced Drawing I00000
ART 377Exhibit Design00000
ART 383Letterpress & Bookbinding00000
ART 402Life Drawing And Anatomy I00000
ART 409Ceramics IV: Vessel00000
ART 415Advanced Studio00000
ART 419Metals + Jewelry III00000
ART 436Personal Direction In Painting00000
ART 447Screen Process II00000
ART 360Digital Art: 2D00000
ART 461Digital Object Design II00000
ART 464Digital Fabrication In Sculpture00000
ART 465Graphic Design: Social Issues00000
ART 472Personal Direction In Drawing00000
ART 476Animation: 2D00000
ART 483Package Design00000
ART 492Internship In Art00000
ART 497Senior Project00000
ART 500Ceramic Raw Materials00000
ART 536Photo Imaging-Portfolio00000
ART 555New Directions In Printmaking00000
ART 307Materials: Concept And Process00000
ART 765Graduate Design For The Www00000
ART 784Seminar On College-Level Teaching00000
ART 1032D Process00000
ART 109Sculpture For Non-Art Majors00000
ART 118Jewelry For Non-Art Majors00000
ART 157Letterpress For Non-Art Majors00000
ART 211Drawing: Observation And Invention00000
ART 218Metals + Jewelry I00000
ART 229Painting I00000
ART 235Photo Imaging - Creative Workflow00000
ART 241Sculpture I00000
ART 1022D Process For Non-Art Majors00000
ART 311Wood: Concept And Process00000
ART 315Casting: Materials And Process00000
ART 322Animation: Motion Design00000
ART 325Painting Meaning: Expression, Narrative, And Personal Conten...00000
ART 339Metal: Concept & Process00000
ART 346New Directions In Painting, Experimental Media And Art I00000
ART 349Relief Process I00000
ART 352Painterly Printmaking00000
ART 355Typography00000
ART 357Photo Imaging - Formats00000