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U of A Course Reviews

University of Arkansas

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ACCT 2013HHonors Accounting Principles42351
MGMT 3013Strategic Management12141
PLSC 3523Politics of the Middle East54551
GEOS 1123Human Geography55331
AGEC 2143Agribusiness Financial Records00000
AMPD 2013HHonors Fashion, Buying and Promotion in a Global Market00000
ANSC 401VInternship in Animal Sciences00000
ANSC 3151LApplied Animal Nutrition Laboratory00000
ACOM 5343Communication Campaigns in Agriculture00000
AGEC 5073Basis Trading: Applied Price Risk Management00000
ANSC 5163Companion Animal Nutrition00000
AGME 5973Irrigation00000
AFLS 3413HHonors Proposal Development and Research Methods00000
AMPD 4103Evolution of Fashion and Society Through Television Media00000
ACCT 6013Graduate Colloquium00000
ANSC 2113Introduction to Animal Evaluation and Handling00000
AGEC 4163Agricultural and Rural Development00000
ANSC 4262Swine Production00000
ACCT 310VHHonors Accounting Internship00000
ADLL 5193Seminar in Adult and Lifelong Learning00000
ANSC 6243Ruminant Nutrition00000
AGEC 5603Food Economics and Health00000
AGED 1123Foundations of Agricultural Education00000
AGED 3143Communicating Agriculture to the Public00000
ADLL 6403Quantitative Reasoning I for Adult Educators00000
AGED 3162Curriculum Development and Assessment Techniques in AGED00000
AGME 2123Metals and Welding00000
AERO 4013National Security Affairs and Preparation for Active Duty I00000
AIST 4403Islam in Asia00000
ACCT 5523Advanced Accounting Information Systems00000
AMPD 4023Merchandising Application for the Apparel Industry00000
AGEC 503VInternship in Agricultural Economics00000
AMPD 5063Advanced Apparel Production00000
AAST 4823Black Freedom in the Age of Emancipation00000
ANSC 1032HHonors Introductory Animal Sciences00000
AGEC 3413Principles of Environmental Economics00000
ANSC 3032HHonors Animal Physiology I00000
ACOM 3143HHonors Communicating Agriculture to the Public00000
ANSC 3723Horse and Livestock Merchandising00000
AGEC 4383Basis Trading: Case Study00000
ANSC 4552Forage-Ruminant Relations00000
AAST 3273African Americans in Documentary Film00000
ANSC 5743LAdvanced Analytical Methods in Animal Sciences Laboratory00000
AGEC 5203Agribusiness Marketing Management00000
ANTH 482VApplied Visual Research00000
ACCT 549VSpecial Topics in Accounting00000
AGED 400VSpecial Problems in Agricultural and Extension Education00000
ADLL 6123Leadership and Ethics in Adult and Lifelong Learning00000
AAST 3853Topics in African-American Literature and Culture00000
AGED 4243Graphic Design in AFLS00000
AGED 4153Survey of Leadership Theory in Agriculture00000
ADLL 6443Adult and Lifelong Learning Dissertation Seminar00000
ACCT 3753Intermediate Accounting II00000
AGED 4843Methods in Agricultural Laboratories00000
ADPR 4143Public Relations Writing00000
AGED 5113Undergraduate Researchers Improving Student Experiences00000
AGED 5243Graphic Design in AFLS00000
AGLE 5153Survey of Leadership Theory in Agriculture00000
AERO 3013Leading People and Effective Communication I00000
AGME 3153Surveying in Agriculture and Forestry00000
ACCT 5123Corporate Governance and Professionalism00000
AGST 5031SAS Programming for Agricultural Sciences00000
AFLS 401VSpecial Topics in AFLS00000
AMPD 1013Introduction to Clothing Concepts00000
AAST 4563The Old South, 1607-186500000
AMPD 3033Merchandising Math for the Apparel Industry00000
AGEC 401VInternship in Agribusiness00000
AMPD 4063HHonors Advanced Apparel Production00000
ACCT 5883Tax Planning00000
AMPD 5003Apparel Sourcing and Merchandising Systems in the Global Eco...00000
AGEC 2103HHonors Principles of Agricultural Macroeconomics00000
AMPD 5223Merchandising Application for the Apparel Industry00000
AAST 3243African American History Since 187700000
ANSC 510VSpecial Topics in Animal Sciences00000
AGEC 3303Food and Agricultural Marketing00000
ANSC 1051Introduction to the Livestock Industry00000
ACCT 6633Accounting Research Seminar V00000
ANSC 2781Career Preparation and Development00000
AGEC 4041Agribusiness Capstone00000
ANSC 3123Principles of Genetics00000
AAST 5003Graduate Seminar in African & African American Studies00000
ANSC 3291Livestock Junior Judging Team Activity00000
AGEC 4303Agribusiness Marketing Management00000
ANSC 4142Advanced Animal Handling Techniques00000
ACOM 4343Communication Campaigns in Agriculture00000
ANSC 4291Livestock Senior Judging Team Activity00000
AGEC 4623International Agricultural Trade and Commercial Policy00000
ANSC 5013Domestic Animal Energetics00000
AAST 2003Diversity, Pedagogy, & Visual Culture00000
ANSC 5482Companion Animal Management00000
AGEC 5123AgriBusiness Entrepreneurship00000
ANSC 5932Cardiovascular Physiology of Domestic Animals00000
ADLL 5133Curriculum Development in ABE and ASE00000
ADPR 4483Multiculturalism in Advertising and Public Relations00000
AGED 5443Principles of Technological Change00000
AGED 5993Global Horticulture and Human Nutrition to Enhance Community...00000
AGEC 5303Agricultural Marketing Theory00000
AAST 489VAfrican & African American Independent Study00000
AAST 3133History of Sports in Africa00000
AAST 4173Social Work with African American Families00000