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U of A Course Reviews

University of Arkansas

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANTH 3123The Anthropology of Religion00000
ANTH 4143Ecological Anthropology00000
ANTH 4013History of Anthropological Thought00000
ANTH 3903Topics in Anthropology00000
ANTH 3553Religion in Latin America00000
ANTH 3533Medical Anthropology00000
ANTH 3433Human Evolution00000
ANTH 3421LHuman Osteology Laboratory00000
ANTH 3213Indigenous Peoples of North America: Anthropological Perspec...00000
ANTH 4283Survey in Ethnographic Film00000
ANTH 3023Approaches to Archeology00000
ANTH 3003World Prehistory00000
ANTH 1033Introduction to Archaeology00000
ANTH 1013HHonors Introduction to Biological Anthropology00000
ANTH 1011MHonors Introduction to Biological Anthropology Laboratory00000
ANTH 700VDoctoral Dissertation00000
ANTH 600VMaster's Thesis00000
ANTH 548VIndividual Study of Anthropology00000
ANTH 5143Ecological Anthropology00000
ANTH 6813Seminar: Cultural Anthropology00000
ANTH 5913Topics of the Middle East00000
ANTH 5703Mammalian Evolution and Osteology00000
ANTH 5583Peoples and Cultures of Sub-Saharan Africa00000
ANTH 5523Dental Science00000
ANTH 5363Museums, Material Culture, and Popular Imagination00000
ANTH 5293Identity and Culture in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands00000
ANTH 5263Indians of Arkansas and the South00000
ANTH 448VIndividual Study of Anthropology00000
ANTH 5103Applications of Cultural Method and Theory00000
ANTH 5053Quaternary Environments00000
ANTH 4903Seminar in Anthropology00000
ANTH 4613Primate Adaptation and Evolution00000
ANTH 4583Cultures of Africa00000
ANTH 4533Middle East Cultures00000
ANTH 4443Cultural Resource Management I00000
ANTH 2013Introduction to Latin American Studies00000
ANTH 3923HHonors Colloquium00000
ANTH 3563Culture and Medicine00000
ANTH 3543Geospatial Applications and Information Science00000
ANTH 3473North American Prehistory00000
ANTH 3423Human Osteology00000
ANTH 3263Indians of Arkansas and the South00000
ANTH 3173Introduction to Linguistics00000
ANTH 3043Bones, Bodies, and Brains in Evolutionary Perspective00000
ANTH 4093The Archeology of Death00000
ANTH 1023HHonors Introduction to Cultural Anthropology00000
ANTH 1023Introduction to Cultural Anthropology00000
ANTH 1013Introduction to Biological Anthropology00000
ANTH 1011LIntroduction to Biological Anthropology Laboratory00000
ANTH 610VInternship00000
ANTH 582VApplied Visual Research00000
ANTH 500VAdvanced Problems in Anthropology00000
ANTH 482VApplied Visual Research00000
ANTH 5113Anthropology of the City00000
ANTH 6033Society and Environment00000
ANTH 5903Seminar in Anthropology00000
ANTH 5623Primate Adaptation and Evolution00000
ANTH 5553Introduction to Raster GIS00000
ANTH 5443Cultural Resource Management I00000
ANTH 5303Applications of Method and Theory in Biological Anthropology00000
ANTH 5283Survey in Ethnographic Film00000
ANTH 5153Topics in Anthropology00000
ANTH 399VHHonors Thesis00000
ANTH 5093The Archeology of Death00000
ANTH 4913Topics of the Middle East00000
ANTH 4703Mammalian Evolution and Osteology00000
ANTH 4553Introduction to Raster GIS00000
ANTH 4523Dental Science00000
ANTH 4363Museums, Material Culture, and Popular Imagination00000
ANTH 4263Identity and Culture in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands00000