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U of S Course Reviews

University of Saskatchewan

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
COMM 213Management Information Systems12111
COMM 352Marketing Strategy00000
COMM 404Business Law00000
COMM 402Business NegotiationsDepartmental Approval Required00000
COMM 401Business Strategy00000
COMM 398Data Analytics for Accountants00000
COMM 395Business Forecasting00000
COMM 387Labour Law00000
COMM 384Workplace Health and Safety00000
COMM 381Industrial Relations00000
COMM 371Applied Security Analysis00000
COMM 367Security Analysis and Evaluation00000
COMM 363Intermediate Corporate Finance00000
COMM 357Marketing Research00000
COMM 406Liability for Tax and Computation of Net Income00000
COMM 348Leadership00000
COMM 346Technology Commercialization00000
COMM 343Recruitment Selection and Engagement00000
COMM 341Entrepreneurial Thinking and Innovation00000
COMM 337Business Information and Accounting Systems00000
COMM 324Data Analytics for Accountants00000
COMM 321Corporate Financial Reporting I00000
COMM 308Cost Management Systems00000
COMM 306Ethics and Strategic Decision Making00000
COMM 229Personal Financial Management00000
COMM 452Services Marketing00000
COMM 498Project Management00000
COMM 495Supply Chain Management00000
COMM 491Purchasing and Supply Management00000
COMM 488Strategic Compensation00000
COMM 486Case Analysis and Presentation Skills (JDC West)Departmental...00000
COMM 471Applied Investment Management00000
COMM 470Personal Selling00000
COMM 467Portfolio Theory and Management00000
COMM 465Applied Financial Modeling00000
COMM 458Branding00000
COMM 456International Marketing00000
COMM 405Taxation and Business Decisions00000
COMM 450Issues in Marketing: Social Cause Marketing00000
COMM 449Governance and Leadership Development PracticumDepartmental...00000
COMM 447Entrepreneurship & Venture Development00000
COMM 438Management Planning and Control Systems00000
COMM 429Personal Financial Planning00000
COMM 420Fraud Prevention Detection and Investigation00000
COMM 414Integrative Analysis of Accounting Issues and Problems00000
COMM 412Accounting Theory00000
COMM 410Financial Statements Analysis00000
COMM 407Individual and Corporate Taxes Payable and Tax Planning00000
COMM 207Statistics for Business Decisions00000
COMM 329Personal Finance00000
COMM 382Employment Law00000
COMM 380Business Cooperative Education I00000
COMM 368Entrepreneurial Finance and Venture Capital00000
COMM 364Risk and Insurance00000
COMM 358Sales Management00000
COMM 354Consumer Behaviour00000
COMM 349Introduction to Entrepreneurship00000
COMM 347Indigenous Business in Canada00000
COMM 345Business and Public Policy00000
COMM 342Organization Structure and Design00000
COMM 340Introduction to International Business00000
COMM 385Training and Development00000
COMM 323Corporate Financial Reporting II00000
COMM 311Business Analytics00000
COMM 307Management Information Systems00000
COMM 304Introduction to Business Law00000
COMM 210Introduction to Management Accounting00000
COMM 205Introduction to Operations Management00000
COMM 203Introduction to Finance00000
COMM 121Business Mathematics00000
COMM 119Skills for Academic Success00000
COMM 105Introduction to Organizational Behaviour00000
COMM 102Introduction to Business Management00000
COMM 483Business Co-operative Education III00000
COMM 100Business Communication00000
COMM 204Introduction to Marketing00000
COMM 201Introduction to Financial Accounting00000
COMM 120Business School Life II00000
COMM 115Business School Life I00000
COMM 104Foundations of Business Statistics00000
COMM 101Introduction to Business00000
COMM 496Project Management00000
COMM 493Total Quality Management00000
COMM 489Strategic Human Resource Management00000
COMM 487Collective Agreement Arbitration00000
COMM 211Human Resource Management00000
COMM 469Management of Financial Institutions00000
COMM 466International Business Finance00000
COMM 461Corporate Finance Theory00000
COMM 457Marketing and Popular Culture00000
COMM 454Retail and Digital Marketing00000
COMM 451Integrated Marketing Communication00000
COMM 448Management Consulting ProjectDepartmental Approval Required00000
COMM 433Accounting for Equity Interests00000
COMM 421External Auditing00000
COMM 419Derivative Securities and Risk Management00000
COMM 393Spreadsheet Modeling for Business Decisions00000