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UA Course Reviews

University of Arizona

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ACBS 160D1Human and Animal Interrelationships from Domestication to th...43421
ACBS 409Environmental Physiology of Domestic Animals00000
ACBS 355Introduction to Food Processing and Food Safety Preventive C...00000
ACBS 371Sales and Marketing Strategies for Performance and Race Hors...00000
ACBS 380Food Safety And Microbiology00000
ACBS 380RFood Safety and Microbiology00000
ACBS 393Internship00000
ACBS 395AProfessional Development in Animal Agriculture00000
ACBS 397ACalving Management00000
ACBS 399HHonors Independent Study00000
ACBS 400BAnimal Anatomy and Physiology00000
ACBS 405Principles of Livestock Health Management00000
ACBS 302Management and the Human Side of Organizations00000
ACBS 411Agriculture, Environmental and Legal Issues00000
ACBS 420Meat Animal Composition00000
ACBS 427RGeneral Mycology00000
ACBS 428RMicrobial Genetics00000
ACBS 432Comparative Immunology00000
ACBS 437Food Safety Laws and Legal Policies00000
ACBS 442Racing Business, Strategies and Global Perspectives.00000
ACBS 444Development and Management of Racing Animals00000
ACBS 195DColloquium: This Wormy World00000
ACBS 699Independent Study00000
ACBS 900Research00000
ACBS 909Master's Report00000
ACBS 910Thesis00000
ACBS 920Dissertation00000
ACBS 102LIntroduction to Animal Science Laboratory00000
ACBS 102RIntroduction to Animal Science00000
ACBS 142Introduction to Animal Racing Industry00000
ACBS 193Internship00000
ACBS 340Race Track Marketing and Media Relations00000
ACBS 199Independent Study00000
ACBS 210Introduction to Live Animal and Carcass Evaluation00000
ACBS 220Introduction to Dairy Science00000
ACBS 271ATraining and Management of the Weanling00000
ACBS 273Developing the Training Foundation in Yearlings00000
ACBS 285RPrinciples of Microbiology00000
ACBS 297BIntro to Competitive Livestock Judging00000
ACBS 299HHonors Independent Study00000
ACBS 446Human Resource Management00000
ACBS 571Risk Assessment, Management, and Communication00000
ACBS 528LMicrobial Genetics Laboratory00000
ACBS 532Comparative Immunology00000
ACBS 543Research Animal Methods00000
ACBS 549Diseases of Wildlife00000
ACBS 557Medical-Veterinary Entomology00000
ACBS 564APhysical Sciences for One Health00000
ACBS 567Computation in Biomedicine00000
ACBS 568ABioeconomy, Marketing and Business Principles00000
ACBS 569AEthology, Evolution, Ethics, and Animal Handling A00000
ACBS 523Mechanisms of Disease00000
ACBS 582Applied Companion Animal Behavior in Practice00000
ACBS 584Applied Captive Primate Behavior in Practice00000
ACBS 593Internship00000
ACBS 596AAnimal Sciences00000
ACBS 599Independent Study00000
ACBS 622AMineral Metabolism00000
ACBS 670Molecular Aspects of Animal Growth and Development00000
ACBS 696AResearch Seminar00000
ACBS 195Living Dangerously00000
ACBS 484Applied Captive Primate Behavior in Practice00000
ACBS 449Diseases of Wildlife00000
ACBS 457Medical-Veterinary Entomology00000
ACBS 464BPhysical Sciences for One Health00000
ACBS 467Computation in Biomedicine00000
ACBS 468ABioeconomy, Marketing and Business Principles00000
ACBS 469BEthology, Evolution, Ethics and Animal Handling B00000
ACBS 471Risk Assessment, Management, and Communication00000
ACBS 477Beef Resource Management00000
ACBS 482Applied Companion Animal Behavior in Practice00000
ACBS 693Internship00000
ACBS 492Directed Research00000
ACBS 496BSenior Livestock Judging Team00000
ACBS 497BApplied Animal Behavior Workshop00000
ACBS 498ASenior Capstone: Current issues in the Livestock Industry00000
ACBS 498HHonors Thesis00000
ACBS 499HHonors Independent Study00000
ACBS 500BAnimal Anatomy and Physiology00000
ACBS 505Principles of Livestock Health Management00000
ACBS 519General Immunological Concepts00000
ACBS 400AAnimal Anatomy and Physiology00000
ACBS 342Organization and Administration of the Racing Department00000
ACBS 345Racing Laws and Enforcement00000
ACBS 370Form and Function of the Equine Athlete00000
ACBS 377Food Toxicology00000
ACBS 380LFood Safety and Microbiology Laboratory00000
ACBS 391Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences Preceptorship00000
ACBS 395BTopics in Applied Animal Behavior00000
ACBS 396AJunior Livestock Judging Team00000
ACBS 399Independent Study00000
ACBS 336AApplied Animal Nutrition00000
ACBS 403RBiology of Animal Parasites00000
ACBS 406Diseases of Companion Animals00000
ACBS 410Animal Toxicology00000
ACBS 419Immunology00000
ACBS 423Mechanisms of Disease00000
ACBS 428LMicrobial Genetics Laboratory00000
ACBS 431Equine Nutrition and Management00000
ACBS 433Advanced Racing Laws and Enforcement00000
ACBS 441Race Track Organization, Structure and Financial Management00000
ACBS 310Living In Symbiosis00000
ACBS 199HIndependent Study00000
ACBS 202Introduction to Livestock Production00000
ACBS 215Physiology and Anatomy of Domestic Animals00000
ACBS 270Introductory Horse Science00000
ACBS 272Introduction to Horsemanship Programs00000
ACBS 285LPrinciples of Microbiology Laboratory00000
ACBS 293Internship00000
ACBS 299Independent Study00000
ACBS 301Financial and Economic Strategy00000
ACBS 443Research Animal Methods00000
ACBS 311Understanding Dog and Cat Behavior00000
ACBS 312Animal and Plant Genetics00000
ACBS 313Principles of Animal Genetic Systems00000
ACBS 315LPhysiology of Reproduction Laboratory00000
ACBS 315RPhysiology of Reproduction00000
ACBS 316Equine Reproductive Physiology and Management00000
ACBS 317One Health: A Microbial Perspective00000
ACBS 320Principles of Dairy Product Processing and Safety00000
ACBS 329AMicrobial Diversity00000
ACBS 568BBioeconomy, Marketing and Business Principles00000
ACBS 510Animal Toxicology00000
ACBS 520Meat Animal Composition00000
ACBS 527RGeneral Mycology00000
ACBS 528RMicrobial Genetics00000
ACBS 542Racing Business, Strategies and Global Perspectives00000
ACBS 545Nutritional Physiology and Metabolic Biochemistry00000
ACBS 556Aquaculture00000
ACBS 564BPhysical Sciences for One Health00000
ACBS 566Principles of Disease00000
ACBS 503RBiology of Animal Parasites00000
ACBS 569BEthology, Evolution, Ethics and Animal Handling B00000
ACBS 570Interactions of Animals, Humans, and Ecosystems00000
ACBS 581Principles of Applied Companion Animal Behavior00000
ACBS 583Principles of Applied Primate Behavior and Captive Managemen...00000
ACBS 587Molecular Endocrinology00000
ACBS 595BCurrent Topics in Metabolic Disease00000
ACBS 598BSenior Capstone: Current Issues in the Animal Racing Industr...00000
ACBS 611Comparative Virology00000
ACBS 660Infectious Disease Epidemiology00000
ACBS 475Equine Enterprises00000
ACBS 445Nutritional Physiology and Metabolic Biochemistry00000
ACBS 447Legal Environment of Business00000
ACBS 456Aquaculture00000
ACBS 464APhysical Sciences for One Health00000
ACBS 466Principles of Disease00000
ACBS 468BBioeconomy, Marketing and Business Principles00000
ACBS 469AEthology, Evolution, Ethics, and Animal Handling A00000
ACBS 470Interactions of Animals, Humans, and Ecosystems00000
ACBS 472Advanced Dairy Herd Management00000
ACBS 195FCareers in Veterinary Science00000
ACBS 481Principles of Applied Companion Animal Behavior00000
ACBS 483Principles of Applied Primate Behavior and Captive Managemen...00000
ACBS 491Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences Preceptorship00000
ACBS 493Internship00000
ACBS 497ARace Track00000
ACBS 498Senior Capstone00000
ACBS 498BSenior Capstone: Current Issues in the Animal Racing Industr...00000
ACBS 499Independent Study00000
ACBS 500AAnimal Anatomy and Physiology00000