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UA Course Reviews

University of Arizona

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
PHIL 160D2Mind, Matter and God43531
PHIL 299Independent Study00000
PHIL 920Dissertation00000
PHIL 110Logic and Critical Thinking00000
PHIL 150A1Who Am I? People & Our Place In The Universe00000
PHIL 199Independent Study00000
PHIL 205The Ethics and Economics of Wealth Creation00000
PHIL 213Contemporary Moral Problems00000
PHIL 222African American Studies: A History of Ideas00000
PHIL 238Philosophy in Literature00000
PHIL 24620th Century Continental Philosophy: Phenomenology & Existen...00000
PHIL 626BJurisprudential Reading Group00000
PHIL 305Introduction to Philosophy of Science00000
PHIL 321Medical Ethics00000
PHIL 324Law and Morality00000
PHIL 330Feminist Philosophy00000
PHIL 345Philosophy and Psychiatry00000
PHIL 348The Moral Mind00000
PHIL 399Independent Study00000
PHIL 542Knowledge and Cognition00000
PHIL 501ASymbolic Logic00000
PHIL 505The Philosophy Of Lying And Truth-Telling00000
PHIL 510BHistory of Moral and Political Philosophy00000
PHIL 515Healthcare Ethics00000
PHIL 519The Ethics & Economics of Environmental Policy00000
PHIL 526Philosophy of the Physical Sciences00000
PHIL 533Aesthetics00000
PHIL 539Decision Theory00000
PHIL 405The Philosophy Of Lying And Truth-Telling00000
PHIL 550Philosophy of Mind00000
PHIL 571ARationalism and Empiricism00000
PHIL 595AColloquium Survey of Philosophy00000
PHIL 596LPhilosophy of Language00000
PHIL 596CEpistemology00000
PHIL 596HPhilosophy of Physical Science00000
PHIL 596PHistory of Philosophy: Ancient00000
PHIL 596GSeminar in Moral Philosophy00000
PHIL 534Social and Political Philosophy00000
PHIL 540Metaphysics00000
PHIL 544AComputational Cognitive Neuroscience00000
PHIL 564Formal Semantics00000
PHIL 571BRationalism and Empiricism00000
PHIL 596SPhilosophy of Mathematics00000
PHIL 596BMetaphysics00000
PHIL 596AEthics00000
PHIL 530AEthical Theory00000
PHIL 599Independent Study00000
PHIL 900Research00000
PHIL 310Philosophical Paradoxes00000
PHIL 555Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence00000
PHIL 469Freedom of Expression in Philosophy and Law00000
PHIL 696AAdvanced Topics in Philosophy00000
PHIL 455Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence00000
PHIL 569Freedom of Expression in Philosophy and Law00000
PHIL 471BRationalism and Empiricism00000
PHIL 491HHonors Preceptorship00000
PHIL 413AThe Ethical Entrepreneur00000
PHIL 422Advanced Medical Ethics00000
PHIL 432Psychology of Language00000
PHIL 434Social and Political Philosophy00000
PHIL 440Metaphysics00000
PHIL 449ABiolinguistics00000
PHIL 460Democracy and Social Choice00000
PHIL 401ASymbolic Logic00000
PHIL 491Preceptorship00000
PHIL 499HHonors Independent Study00000
PHIL 501BSymbolic Logic00000
PHIL 510AHistory of Moral and Political Philosophy00000
PHIL 513BLaw Economics & Civil Society00000
PHIL 513AThe Ethical Entrepreneur00000
PHIL 522Lexical Semantics00000
PHIL 499Independent Study00000
PHIL 413BLaw Economics & Civil Society00000
PHIL 426Philosophy of the Physical Sciences00000
PHIL 433Aesthetics00000
PHIL 439Decision Theory00000
PHIL 442Knowledge and Cognition00000
PHIL 470Greek Philosophy00000
PHIL 472AAncient Philosophy00000
PHIL 493LLegislative Internship00000
PHIL 410AHistory of Moral and Political Philosophy00000
PHIL 504The Ethical Marketplace00000
PHIL 517Introduction to Cognitive Science00000
PHIL 521Philosophy of the Biological Sciences00000
PHIL 532Psychology of Language00000
PHIL 537Moral and Social Evolution00000
PHIL 541Theory of Knowledge00000
PHIL 549ABiolinguistics00000
PHIL 570Greek Philosophy00000
PHIL 300Special Topics in Philosophy00000
PHIL 150C1Why Are We Here? Fundamental Questions About The Ethical Org...00000
PHIL 203Logic in Law00000
PHIL 211Meaning in Language and Society00000
PHIL 220Philosophy of Happiness00000
PHIL 233Philosophy of Religion00000
PHIL 245Existential Problems00000
PHIL 260Ancient Philosophy00000
PHIL 262Early Modern Philosophy00000
PHIL 593LLegislative Internship00000
PHIL 320BPhilosophy of Freedom00000
PHIL 322Business Ethics00000
PHIL 325Jewish Philosophy00000
PHIL 344Issues and Methods in Analytic Philosophy00000
PHIL 347Neuroethics00000
PHIL 376Introduction to the Philosophy of Language00000
PHIL 401BSymbolic Logic00000
PHIL 404The Ethical Marketplace00000
PHIL 299HHonors Independent Study00000
PHIL 320CFree Will00000
PHIL 320APhilosophy of Freedom00000
PHIL 323Environmental Ethics00000
PHIL 326God, Humanity & Science00000
PHIL 346Minds, Brains and Computers00000
PHIL 364Introduction to Formal Semantics00000
PHIL 399HHonors Independent Study00000
PHIL 261Medieval Philosophy00000
PHIL 410BHistory of Moral and Political Philosophy00000
PHIL 421Philosophy of the Biological Sciences00000
PHIL 430AEthical Theory00000
PHIL 437Moral and Social Evolution00000
PHIL 441Theory of Knowledge00000
PHIL 450Philosophy of Mind00000
PHIL 471ARationalism and Empiricism00000
PHIL 101Ethics, Economy & Entrepreneurship00000
PHIL 160D3Science and Inquiry00000
PHIL 596VPhilosophy and Cognitive Science00000
PHIL 596FSocial and Political Philosophy00000
PHIL 596KPhilosophy of Mind00000
PHIL 596QHistory of Philosophy: Recent00000
PHIL 626Jurisprudence00000
PHIL 696EMaster Seminar In Cognitive Science00000
PHIL 910Thesis00000
PHIL 150B1Personal Morality00000
PHIL 498HHonors Thesis00000
PHIL 160D1Justice and Virtue00000
PHIL 202Introduction to Symbolic Logic00000
PHIL 210Moral Thinking00000
PHIL 214Philosophy of Sport00000
PHIL 223African Philosophical Worlds00000
PHIL 241Consciousness and Cognition00000
PHIL 250The Social Contract00000