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UAA Course Reviews

University of Alaska Anchorage

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIOL A111LHuman Anatomy and Physiology I Laboratory00000
BIOL A613Neurophysiology00000
BIOL A677Advanced Tundra and Taiga Ecosystems00000
BIOL A458Behavioral Ecology of Marine Mammals00000
BIOL A200Introduction to Complexity00000
BIOL A655Experiential Learning: Advanced Bioinformatics00000
BIOL A495AInternship in the Biological Sciences00000
BIOL A473Conservation Biology00000
BIOL A427Marine Invertebrate Biology00000
BIOL A288Principles of Evolution00000
BIOL A243Experiential Learning: Cell Biology and Genetics00000
BIOL A240Introductory Microbiology for Health Sciences00000
BIOL A114Lectures in Human Anatomy and Physiology II00000
BIOL A487Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates00000
BIOL A103Introductory Biology Laboratory00000
BIOL A450Microbial Ecology00000
BIOL A456Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos00000
BIOL A606Advanced Analysis and Interpretation00000
BIOL A423Ichthyology00000
BIOL A465Experiential Learning: Molecular Biology00000
BIOL A477Tundra and Taiga Ecosystems00000
BIOL A321Experiential Learning: Vertebrate Biology00000
BIOL A615Advanced Comparative Animal Physiology00000
BIOL A492Undergraduate Seminar00000
BIOL A415Comparative Animal Physiology00000
BIOL A442Experiential Learning: Animal Behavior00000
BIOL A605Graduate Proseminar in Sciences00000
BIOL A430Marine Mammal Biology00000
BIOL A698Directed Research00000
BIOL A499Senior Thesis00000
BIOL A455Experiential Learning: Bioinformatics00000
BIOL A271Principles of Ecology00000
BIOL A178Introduction to Oceanography00000
BIOL A108LPrinciples and Methods in Biology Laboratory00000
BIOL A650Advanced Microbial Ecology00000
BIOL A340Microbial Biology00000
BIOL A490LIchthyology Lab00000
BIOL A242Fundamentals of Cell Biology00000
BIOL A481Marine Biology00000
BIOL A601Experimental Design and Statistics00000
BIOL A412Behavioral Endocrinology00000
BIOL A669Advanced Arctic Environmental Security00000
BIOL A483Exploration Ecology00000
BIOL A446Global Climate Change00000
BIOL A252Principles of Genetics00000
BIOL A124Marine Mammals of Alaska00000
BIOL A108Principles and Methods in Biology00000
BIOL A451Microbial Biotechnology00000
BIOL A472Biogeography00000
BIOL A490Global Climate Change00000
BIOL A240LIntroductory Microbiology for Health Sciences Laboratory00000
BIOL A112Human Anatomy and Physiology II00000
BIOL A462Virology00000
BIOL A478Biological Oceanography00000
BIOL A690Advanced Bayesian Analysis of Stable Isotope Data00000
BIOL A441Animal Behavior00000
BIOL A471Immunology00000
BIOL A492AUndergraduate Seminar: Semester by the Bay00000
BIOL A325Advanced Marine Skeletal Articulation00000
BIOL A365Astrobiology00000
BIOL A452Human Genome00000
BIOL A474Ecotoxicology00000
BIOL A311Experiential Learning: Animal Physiology00000
BIOL A663Advanced Molecular Biology of Cancer00000
BIOL A432Experiential Learning: Marine Mammal Biology00000
BIOL A699Thesis00000
BIOL A469Arctic Environmental Security00000
BIOL A273Experiential Learning: Ecology and Evolution00000
BIOL A179Introduction to Oceanography Laboratory00000
BIOL A111Human Anatomy and Physiology I00000
BIOL A662Advanced Virology00000
BIOL A342Experiential Learning: Microbial Biology00000
BIOL A198Individual Research00000
BIOL A461Molecular Biology00000
BIOL A330Plant Biology00000
BIOL A113Lectures in Human Anatomy and Physiology I00000
BIOL A102Introductory Biology00000
BIOL A696Graduate Research Techniques00000
BIOL A467Wildlife Population Dynamics and Management00000
BIOL A495Instructional Practicum: Laboratory00000
BIOL A414Chronobiology00000
BIOL A431Plant Diversity and Evolution00000
BIOL A413Neurophysiology00000
BIOL A463Molecular Biology of Cancer00000
BIOL A320Vertebrate Biology00000
BIOL A484Experiential Learning: Exploration Ecology Field Study00000
BIOL A486Evolutionary Ecology00000
BIOL A241Lectures in Introductory Microbiology for Health Sciences00000
BIOL A112LHuman Anatomy and Physiology II Laboratory00000
BIOL A100Human Biology00000
BIOL A489Population Genetics And Evolutionary Processes00000
BIOL A417Applied Kinesiology and Exercise Physiology00000
BIOL A661Advanced Molecular Biology00000
BIOL A665Experiential Learning: Advanced Molecular Biology00000
BIOL A698ANon-thesis Capstone Project00000
BIOL A459Experiential Learning: Behavioral Ecology of Marine Mammals00000
BIOL A310Principles of Animal Physiology00000
BIOL A498Individual Research00000