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UAB Course Reviews

University of Alabama at Birmingham

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AFS 201LLeadership Laboratory II00000
AFS 301LLeadership Laboratory III00000
AFS 101Heritage and Values00000
AFS 402LLeadership Lab00000
AFS 402National Security Policy00000
AFS 401LLeadership Laboratory IV00000
AFS 401National Security I00000
AFS 302LLeadership Lab00000
AFS 302Air Force Leadership and Mgt00000
AFS 301Leading People I00000
AFS LABAir Force Learning Lab00000
AFS 202LLeadership Lab00000
AFS 202Development of Air Power00000
AFS 201Team & Ldrship I00000
AFS 102LLeadership Lab00000
AFS 102Air Force Today00000
AFS 101LLeadership Laboratory I00000