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UAF Course Reviews

University of Alaska Fairbanks

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ABUS F134Alphabetic Filing00000
ABUS F267Transportation And Logistics Management00000
ABUS F199Practicum in Applied Business00000
ABUS F260Marketing Practices00000
ABUS F151Village-based Entrepreneurship00000
ABUS F272Small-Business Planning00000
ABUS F269Food And Beverage Management00000
ABUS F116Using 10-Key Calculators00000
ABUS F179Fundamentals of Supervision00000
ABUS F220Microcomputer Accounting: QuickBooks00000
ABUS F170Business English00000
ABUS F274Business in the Digital World00000
ABUS F193Financial Planning For Future00000
ABUS F293Dynamics of Leadership00000
ABUS F182Office Procedures00000
ABUS F232Contemporary Management Issues00000
ABUS F277Dynamics of Leadership00000
ABUS F175Customer Service00000
ABUS F178Professionalism00000
ABUS F102BKeyboarding: Skill Building00000
ABUS F160Principles of Banking00000
ABUS F203Accounting Capstone00000
ABUS F265Current and Emerging Trends in Applied Marketing00000
ABUS F189The Culture and Business of Gaming00000
ABUS F231Introduction to Personnel00000
ABUS F235Fund Accounting for Nonprofits00000
ABUS F154Human Relations00000
ABUS F161Personal and Business Finance00000
ABUS F210Income Tax00000
ABUS F271Business Communications00000
ABUS F233Financial Management00000
ABUS F193PAlaska Tourism Training00000
ABUS F101Principles of Accounting I00000
ABUS F155Business Math00000
ABUS F201Principles of Accounting II00000
ABUS F263Public Relations00000
ABUS F273Managing a Small Business00000
ABUS F102CKeyboarding: Document Formatting00000
ABUS F108Keyboarding II/Intermediate Typewriting00000
ABUS F102AKeyboarding: Touch Typing00000
ABUS F158Introduction to Tourism00000
ABUS F202Principles of Accounting III00000
ABUS F264Filing/Records Management00000
ABUS F242Employment Law00000
ABUS F256Small Hotel, Bed And Breakfast, And Lodge Operations00000
ABUS F141Payroll Accounting00000
ABUS F183Professional Skills for Job Hunt00000
ABUS F241Applied Business Law I00000
ABUS F299Practicum in Applied Business00000