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UAF Course Reviews

University of Alaska Fairbanks

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANTH F628Zooarchaeology and Taphonomy00000
ANTH F470Oral Sources: Issues in Documentation00000
ANTH F605Archaeological Method and Theory00000
ANTH F607Kinship and Social Organization00000
ANTH F610Northern Indigenous Peoples and Contemporary Issues00000
ANTH F230Cultural Perspectives on Storytelling00000
ANTH F260Fundamentals of Linguistic Anthropology: Language in Culture...00000
ANTH F294Klingon, Elvish And Dolthraki: The Art And Science Of Langua...00000
ANTH F393Culture, Health & Healing00000
ANTH F424Analytical Techniques00000
ANTH F215Fundamentals of Social/Cultural Anthropology00000
ANTH F367Inuit Art00000
ANTH F426Bioarchaeology00000
ANTH F111XAncient Civilizations00000
ANTH F672Culture and History in the North Atlantic00000
ANTH F405Archaeological Method and Theory00000
ANTH F493Human Evolutionary Biology00000
ANTH F485Discourse in Society: Analyzing Language in Social Context00000
ANTH F211XFundamentals of Archaeology00000
ANTH F336Ethnomycology00000
ANTH F627Anthropology of Death00000
ANTH F630Anthropological Field Methods00000
ANTH F270Virtual Field School00000
ANTH F402Anthropology of Art00000
ANTH F422Human Osteology00000
ANTH F692Human-Animal Relations in the North00000
ANTH F242Native Cultures of Alaska00000
ANTH F670Oral Sources: Issues in Documentation00000
ANTH F293Virtual Field School00000
ANTH F315Human Variation00000
ANTH F435Political Media And Discourses Of The American Right00000
ANTH F309Circumpolar Archaeology00000
ANTH F411Senior Seminar in Anthropology00000
ANTH F101XIntroduction to Anthropology00000
ANTH F497Indgns Eclgcl Knldge Mrne Anml00000
ANTH F392Science of Smell00000
ANTH F460Cross-cultural Filmmaking00000
ANTH F446Economic Anthropology00000
ANTH F699Thesis00000
ANTH F652Research Design and Professional Development Seminar00000
ANTH F635Political Media And Discourses Of The American Right00000
ANTH F606Folklore and Mythology: Anthropological Perspective00000
ANTH F667Resilience Seminar I00000
ANTH F685Discourse in Society: Analyzing Language in Social Context00000
ANTH F415Zooarchaeology and Taphonomy00000
ANTH F653Current Perspectives in Cultural Resource Management00000
ANTH F225Anthropology and Race00000
ANTH F631Linguistic Anthropology: Language, Thought and Action00000
ANTH F645Gender in Cross-cultural Perspective00000
ANTH F360Indigenous Art and Culture00000
ANTH F625Human Osteology00000
ANTH F254Applied Ethnobotany Fall00000
ANTH F383History and Cultures of Northern Dené00000
ANTH F100XIndividual, Society and Culture00000
ANTH F472Culture and History in the North Atlantic00000
ANTH F465Geoarchaeology00000
ANTH F407Kinship and Social Organization00000
ANTH F427Anthropology of Death00000
ANTH F698Non-thesis Research/Project00000
ANTH F629Structures of Anthropological Argument00000
ANTH F623Human Origins00000
ANTH F647Global to Local Sustainability00000
ANTH F646Economic Anthropology00000
ANTH F409Anthropology of Religion00000
ANTH F626Bioarchaeology00000
ANTH F305Culture, Health and Healing00000
ANTH F314The Archaeology Of The Cavemen00000
ANTH F423Human Origins00000
ANTH F624Analytical Techniques00000
ANTH F365Alaska Native Art History00000
ANTH F384History of Anthropology00000
ANTH F492Human-Animal Relations in the North00000
ANTH F214World Prehistory00000
ANTH F308Language and Gender00000
ANTH F445Gender in Cross-cultural Perspective00000
ANTH F602Anthropology of Art00000
ANTH F609Anthropology of Religion00000
ANTH F221Fundamentals of Biological Anthropology00000