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UAF Course Reviews

University of Alaska Fairbanks

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BA F470Leadership Theory and Development00000
BA F394Huntology: The Science, Business, and Philosophy of Hunting00000
BA F482Sport Marketing00000
BA F698Research00000
BA F360Operations Management00000
BA F461International Finance00000
BA F443Social Media Marketing00000
BA F458Real Estate Investment Fund00000
BA F308Professional Development: How to Prepare for a Job and Other...00000
BA F423Investment Analysis00000
BA F462Corporate Strategy00000
BA F375Introduction to Esports Management00000
BA F281XIntroduction to Sport Management00000
BA F309Professional Development: Finding a Career00000
BA F436Consumer Behavior00000
BA F481Event Management00000
BA F483Sport and Recreation Sales00000
BA F310Professional Development: Being Successful in Your Career00000
BA F453Internship in Business Administration00000
BA F241Advertising, Sales and Promotion00000
BA F484Legal Aspects of Sport and Recreation Management00000
BA F307Introductory Human Resources Management00000
BA F421Business Analytics00000
BA F486Entrepreneurship in Outdoor Recreation Industries00000
BA F151XIntroduction to Business00000
BA F457Training and Management Development00000
BA F424Real Estate and Alternative Investments00000
BA F491Current Topics In Marketing00000
BA F343Principles of Marketing00000
BA F460International Business00000
BA F435Entrepreneurship00000
BA F193Culture & Business of Gaming00000
BA F323XBusiness Ethics00000
BA F454Student Investment Fund00000
BA F280Sport Leadership00000
BA F485Sport and Recreation Facilities00000
BA F330The Legal Environment of Business00000
BA F325Financial Management00000
BA F390Organizational Theory and Behavior00000
BA F455Portfolio Management00000
BA F488Sport Analytics00000
BA F472Leading Change00000
BA F317Employment Law00000
BA F254XPersonal Finance (s)00000
BA F391Alaska Native Corporations: A Historical and Contemporaneous...00000
BA F490Services Marketing00000
BA F699Thesis00000