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UAH Course Reviews

University of Alabama in Huntsville

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARS 160Drawing: Foundations23221
ARS 350Photo: Digital I00000
ARS 353Photo: Exper & Hist I00000
ARS 347Space And Place00000
ARS 341Sculp: Carving I00000
ARS 334Graph Des: Web User Exper I00000
ARS 330Graphic Design: Print Media I00000
ARS 328Animation: Concept Art00000
ARS 324Animation: Technical Arts00000
ARS 320Animation: Team Game Desgn I00000
ARS 270Painting: Introduction00000
ARS 240Sculpture: Introduction00000
ARS 210Game Design: Introduction00000
ARS 1232D Design & Color Theory00000
ARS 494Professional Practices: Animat00000
ARS 487Print: Monoprint &Lithogphy II00000
ARS 481Print: Etching & Relief II00000
ARS 475Painting: Traditional II00000
ARS 453Photo: Exper & Hist II00000
ARS 448Digital Fabrication II00000
ARS 441Sculp: Carving II00000
ARS 430Graphic Design: Print Media II00000
ARS 496Principles For Teaching Art00000
ARS 492Art Internship00000
ARS 485Print: Book Arts II00000
ARS 477Painting: Mixed Media II00000
ARS 460Drawing: Conceptual00000
ARS 452Photo: Darkroom II00000
ARS 447Sculp: Space And Place II00000
ARS 440Sculp: Fabrication II00000
ARS 434Graph Des: Web User Exper II00000
ARS 426Animation: Short Film II00000
ARS 425Animation: Short Film I00000
ARS 421Animation: Modeling II00000
ARS 416Animation: Team Game Desn II00000
ARS 410Principles For Teaching Art00000
ARS 390Portfolio Dev I: Animation00000
ARS 385Print: Book Arts I00000
ARS 381Print: Etching & Relief I00000
ARS 376Painting: Contemporary I00000
ARS 360Drawing: Figure00000
ARS 348Digital Fabrication00000
ARS 420Animation: Team Game Design II00000
ARS 415Animation: Team Game Desn I00000
ARS 395ST: PHOTO: Darkroom & Digital00000
ARS 387Print: Monoprint & Lithogphy I00000
ARS 383Print: Screenprint I00000
ARS 377Painting: Mixed Media I00000
ARS 375Painting: Traditional I00000
ARS 355Photo: Documentary I00000
ARS 352Photo: Darkroom I00000
ARS 422Animation: Character Animtn II00000
ARS 342Sculp: Casting I00000
ARS 340Sculp: Fabrication I00000
ARS 333Graph Des: Watercolor & Dig I00000
ARS 329Animation: 2D Animation00000
ARS 325Animation: Hard Surf Modeling00000
ARS 322Animation: 3D Animation00000
ARS 311Game Design: Scripting & Des I00000
ARS 260Drawing: Introduction00000
ARS 230Graphic Design: Introduction00000
ARS 1403D Design00000
ARS 423Animation: Short Film II00000
ARS 335Graphic Design: Typography I00000
ARS 332Graphic Design: Web Design00000
ARS 327Animation; Visual Story Dev00000
ARS 323Animation: Short Film I00000
ARS 321Animation: Organic Modeling00000
ARS 280Printmaking: Introduction00000
ARS 250Photography: Introduction00000
ARS 220Animation: Introduction00000
ARS 433Graph Des: Watercolor & Dig II00000
ARS 495Independent Projects00000
ARS 490Portfolio Development II00000
ARS 483Print: Screenprint II00000
ARS 476Painting: Contemporary II00000
ARS 455Photo: Documentary II00000
ARS 450Photo: Digital II00000
ARS 442Sculp: Casting II00000
ARS 435Graphic Design: Typography II00000
ARS 432Graph Des: Senior Proj Mgmt00000