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UAH Course Reviews

University of Alabama in Huntsville

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ISE 390Prob & Engr Statistics I33331
ISE 430Manuf Sys & Facilities Design00000
ISE 734Decision Analysis00000
ISE 799Doctoral Dissertation00000
ISE 224Intro Industrial & Systems00000
ISE 321Engineering Economy00000
ISE 327Management Systems Analysis00000
ISE 340Operations Research00000
ISE 391Prob/Engr Stat II00000
ISE 402Industrial & Organiza Psy00000
ISE 423Intr Statistical Quality Contr00000
ISE 428Systems Analysis & Design I00000
ISE 641Advanced Quality Control00000
ISE 439St: Human Mach Team Design00000
ISE 480Systems Engineering Modeling00000
ISE 503Human Factors Psychology00000
ISE 530Manuf Sys & Facilities Design00000
ISE 547Intro To Systems Simulation00000
ISE 627Engineering Systems00000
ISE 670Integrated Product & Proc Des00000
ISE 699Master's Thesis00000
ISE 761Evol Thry Eng Mgmt/Ind Sys Eng00000
ISE 539St: Systems Engineering Modeli00000
ISE 324Work Design00000
ISE 328Intro Systems Engineering00000
ISE 399Ise Mentoring II00000
ISE 403Human Factors Psychology00000
ISE 426Dsgn & Analy of Experim00000
ISE 429Sys Analysis/Design II00000
ISE 433Prod & Inventory Control Sys00000
ISE 447Intro To Systems Simulation00000
ISE 502Industrial & Organiza Psy00000
ISE 526Design/Analy of Experiment00000
ISE 696Grad Intern Ise Engr00000
ISE 623Engr Econ Analysis00000
ISE 639System Module Validation00000
ISE 690Statistical Methods for Engr00000
ISE 726Systems Modeling00000
ISE 739St: Multi-Criteria Decision00000
ISE 523Intr Statistical Quality Contr00000
ISE 533Production/Inventory Contr Sys00000
ISE 626Intro Operations Research00000
ISE 299Ise Mentoring I00000