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UAH Course Reviews

University of Alabama in Huntsville

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
PSC 102Intro to Comparative Politics55551
PSC 440Rs: Latin America00000
PSC 561Economic Development00000
PSC 566National Security Strgy & Ply00000
PSC 600The American Polity00000
PSC 612Budgetary Process00000
PSC 690Capstone00000
PSC 101Intro to American Government00000
PSC 260Intro Interntl Relations00000
PSC 304American Presidency00000
PSC 332Modern Political Philoso00000
PSC 420Federalism & Intergov Relation00000
PSC 484Senior Seminar00000
PSC 452Amer Constitutional Law00000
PSC 462Decn Mkng Foreign & Sec Plcy00000
PSC 470Issues in Security Policy00000
PSC 495Internship In Government00000
PSC 540Rs: Latin America00000
PSC 562Decison-Making Forgn & Sec Ply00000
PSC 570Issues in Security Policy00000
PSC 601The Public Policy Process00000
PSC 630Publ Values/Publ Policy00000
PSC 695Internship In Government00000
PSC 699Master's Thesis00000
PSC 610Public Management Professions00000
PSC 302American Congress00000
PSC 330Classi Politi Philosophy00000
PSC 399Current Affairs00000
PSC 438Contemporary Political Thought00000
PSC 454Civil Liberties00000
PSC 464American Foreign Policy00000
PSC 480St: Polc & Poltc Of Chld Abduc00000
PSC 498Directed Readings & Research00000
PSC 551Law, Courts & Public Policy00000
PSC 564American Foreign Policy00000
PSC 580St: Amer Constitutional Law00000
PSC 520Federalism & Intergov Relation00000
PSC 635Program Evaluation And Methods00000
PSC 698Directed Readings & Research00000
PSC 300Intro Social Science Statistic00000
PSC 309Political Parties & Int Groups00000
PSC 334Amer Political Thought00000
PSC 436Political Ideologies00000
PSC 451Law, Courts, & Public Policy00000
PSC 461Economic Development00000
PSC 466Natl Security Strategy & Plcy00000
PSC 103Intro to State & Local Govt00000