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UAlabama Course Reviews

University of Alabama

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CS 201Data Structures and Algorithms2.
CS 470Computer Algorithms2.323.33.73
CS 100CS I for Majors42.5452
CS 300Operating Systems31.5432
CS 301Database Management Systems44331
CS 101CS II for Majors45351
CS 403Programming Languages33221
CS 443Digital Forensics54541
CS 121The Discipline of Computing55321
CS 200Software Design and Engineering34341
CS 598Non-Thesis Research00000
CS 104Computer Science Principles00000
CS 692Independent Study00000
CS 615Cryptography and Data Security00000
CS 612Advanced Data Structures00000
CS 602Adv Formal Lang & Machin00000
CS 312Website Design00000
CS 591Autonomous Vehicles00000
CS 575Formal Languages & Machines00000
CS 565Artificial Intelligence00000
CS 560Intro To Autonomous Robotics00000
CS 548Network Security00000
CS 542Cryptography00000
CS 534Compiler Construction00000
CS 520Software Evolution00000
CS 503Programming Languages00000
CS 526Intro to Operating Systems00000
CS 618Wireless Mbile Netrwrk Protocl00000
CS 609Database Management00000
CS 603Organz Program Languages00000
CS 599Thesis Research00000
CS 580Computer Simulation00000
CS 570Computer Algorithms00000
CS 561Brain Computer Interface00000
CS 551Data Science00000
CS 543Digital Forensics00000
CS 535Computer Graphics00000
CS 448Network Security00000
CS 507Software Interface Design00000
CS 495Capstone Computing00000
CS 481High Performance Computing00000
CS 461Brain Computer Interface00000
CS 451Data Science00000
CS 435Computer Graphics00000
CS 426Intro Operating Systems00000
CS 407Software Interface Desgn00000
CS 391Intermediate Python00000
CS 345Adv. Legal & Ethical Issues00000
CS 428Computer Security00000
CS 538Computer Comm & Networks00000
CS 528Computer Security00000
CS 516Testing and Quality Assurance00000
CS 499Undergraduate Thesis Research00000
CS 491Autonomous Vehicles00000
CS 475Formal Languages & Machines00000
CS 465Artificial Intelligence00000
CS 460Intro to Autonomous Robotics00000
CS 445Software Reverse Engineering00000
CS 438Computer Comm & Networks00000
CS 545Software Reverse Engineering00000
CS 416Testing and Quality Assurance00000
CS 393Software Practicum00000
CS 347Cyber Law and Ethics00000
CS 322Python Programming00000
CS 302Database Applications00000
CS 285Intro to Spreadsheet Applications00000
CS 202Web Foundations00000
CS 140Introduction to Cyber Security00000
CS 110Honors CS I for Majors00000
CS 102Computer Applications00000
CS 480Computer Simulation00000
CS 457Database Management Systems00000
CS 442Cryptography00000
CS 434Compiler Construction00000
CS 420Software Evolution00000
CS 385Advanced Spreadsheet Applications00000
CS 340Legal & Ethical Issues in Comp00000
CS 305Advanced Database Applications and Design00000
CS 205Web Site Design00000
CS 492Hci00000
CS 699Dissertation Research00000
CS 691Special Topics00000
CS 613Adv Computer Comm & Networks00000
CS 606Analys Operating Systems00000
CS 600Foundatns Software Engr00000
CS 592Independent Study00000
CS 581High Performance Computing00000
CS 567Computer Systems Architecture00000
CS 557Database Management Systems00000