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UAlabama Course Reviews

University of Alabama

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
GEO 101The Dynamic Earth23111
GEO 598Non-Thesis Research00000
GEO 369Introduction Geophysics00000
GEO 364Dinosaur Paleobiology00000
GEO 314Ign. & Meta. Petrology00000
GEO 105Sustainable Earth00000
GEO 102The Earth Through Time00000
GEO 699Dissertation Research00000
GEO 635Graduate Seminar00000
GEO 403Petroleum System Analysis00000
GEO 583Global Tectonics00000
GEO 570Introduction to Geochemistry00000
GEO 565Compartve Struct Geology00000
GEO 546Scientific Computing00000
GEO 535Graduate Seminar00000
GEO 516Volcanology00000
GEO 510Soil & Groundwater Restoration00000
GEO 502Communicating Geology00000
GEO 411Contaminant Transport00000
GEO 435Honors Sem In Geology00000
GEO 469Light Stable Isotope Geochemistry00000
GEO 490Seminar Regional Geology00000
GEO 499Research In Geology00000
GEO 503Petroleum System Analysis00000
GEO 511Contaminant Transport00000
GEO 522Sedimentary Basin Analys00000
GEO 536Graduate Seminar00000
GEO 550Geostatistics00000
GEO 569Light Stable Isotope Geochemistry00000
GEO 571Thermodynamics For Geologists00000
GEO 590Seminar Regional Geology00000
GEO 599Thesis Research00000
GEO 636Graduate Seminar00000
GEO 564Structl Validation Modlg00000
GEO 210Mineralogy00000
GEO 355Invertebrate Paleontology00000
GEO 365Structural Geology00000
GEO 399Undergraduate Research00000
GEO 407Seismology00000
GEO 416Volcanology00000
GEO 436Honors Sem In Geology00000
GEO 450Geostatistics00000
GEO 470Introduction to Geochemistry00000
GEO 492Geologc Field Writg Tech00000
GEO 501Paleoclimatology00000
GEO 507Seismology00000
GEO 515Metamorphic Petrology00000
GEO 525Imperial Barrel00000
GEO 542Geodynamics00000
GEO 103Introduction to Oceanography00000
GEO 576Environmental Field and Laboratory Methods00000
GEO 597Geological Internships00000
GEO 602Communicating Geology00000
GEO 698Non-Dissertation Res00000
GEO 104Hazardous Earth00000
GEO 306Hydrogeology00000
GEO 363Geomorphology00000
GEO 367Sedimentology/Stratigraphy00000
GEO 401Paleoclimatology00000
GEO 410Soil & Groundwater Restoration00000
GEO 424Imperial Barrel00000
GEO 465Introduction to Planetary Science00000
GEO 476Environmental Field and Laboratory Methods00000
GEO 497Geological Internships00000