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UAlabama Course Reviews

University of Alabama

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
TH 114Intro To The Theatre44431
TH 141Acting I35331
TH 220Fundamentals of Stagecraft55451
TH 233Beginning Costume Design44551
TH 245Tch Theatre: Performance55551
TH 439Advanced Stage Makeup00000
TH 530Hy Costume For Stage00000
TH 441Acting III: Advanced Scene Study00000
TH 444Acting 4: Comedy and Film00000
TH 447Stage Dialects00000
TH 451Hist Of The Theatre I00000
TH 458American Feminist Theatre00000
TH 465Musical Theatre Performance I00000
TH 467Musicl Theatre Repertoire Coac00000
TH 482Playwriting I00000
TH 495Senior Project00000
TH 515Properties Construction00000
TH 519Electricity and Electronics00000
TH 521Period Decor00000
TH 525Scene Painting00000
TH 527Computer Drafting For Theatre00000
TH 537Drawing for Stage Designs00000
TH 436Fabric Modification00000
TH 433Costume Design I00000
TH 428Beginning Lighting Design00000
TH 426Sound Design00000
TH 423Drafting For Theatre00000
TH 421Period Decor00000
TH 419Electricity and Electronics00000
TH 415Properties Construction00000
TH 391Practicum II00000
TH 365Stage Management00000
TH 350African American Experience in the Performing Arts00000
TH 322Fund Of Stage Lighting00000
TH 240Beginning Movement00000
TH 231Beginning Costume Construction00000
TH 175The Singing Voice00000
TH 165Musicianship Theatre Perform I00000
TH 658Probs Th Arts: Technology00000
TH 623Scene Design II00000
TH 632Costume Construction II00000
TH 634Costume Design for Music00000
TH 636Costume Design through the Ages00000
TH 638Advanced Tailoring Techniques00000
TH 640Prob Stage Move Phys Act00000
TH 642Teaching Acting00000
TH 644Advanced Teaching Practicum00000
TH 621History of Stage Design00000
TH 664Graduate Directing Studio II00000
TH 670Fundraising and Development00000
TH 672Venue and Event Management00000
TH 674Public Policy In Arts00000
TH 676Marketing The Arts00000
TH 678Board Relations and Planning00000
TH 690Independent Study00000
TH 698Research Not Related to Thesis00000
TH 561Advanced Directing00000
TH 695Capstone Experience in Theatre00000
TH 541Advanced Scene Study00000
TH 543Script Analysis Interptn00000
TH 545Period Acting Styles II00000
TH 547Stage Dialects00000
TH 551Hist Of The Theatre I00000
TH 554Seminar Contemp Theatr00000
TH 557Sem Th Hy: American00000
TH 535Presentation for Designers00000
TH 570Theatre Management00000
TH 576The Singing Voice Intermediate00000
TH 600Advanced Practicum I00000
TH 602Internship00000
TH 606Stage Management I00000
TH 616Lighting Design00000
TH 618Lighting Design III00000
TH 466Musical Theatre Performance II00000
TH 437Drawing For Stage Designs00000
TH 440Stage Movement III00000
TH 442Careers In Prof Theatre00000
TH 445Acting 5: Acting Shakespeare00000
TH 446Adv Voice Speech Perform00000
TH 448Rehearsal Process00000
TH 452History Of The Theatre II00000
TH 461Advanced Directing00000
TH 435Presentation for Designers00000
TH 470Theatre Management00000
TH 491Practicum III00000
TH 499Independent Study00000
TH 516Rigging Fundamentals for Theatre00000
TH 520Technical Direction00000
TH 523Drafting For Theatre00000
TH 526Sound Prod Tech Th Dn00000
TH 528Drawing and Rendering00000
TH 375Intermediate Group Voice00000
TH 115Beginning Acting00000
TH 166Musicianship Theatre Perf II00000
TH 191Introduction to Practicum00000
TH 230Stage Makeup00000
TH 242Acting II Intro to Scene Stud00000
TH 291Practicum I00000
TH 324Lighting and Sound for Dance00000
TH 361Beginning Directing00000
TH 531Costume Construction I00000
TH 395Theatre Careers00000
TH 416Rigging Fundamentals for Theatre00000
TH 420Technical Direction00000
TH 422Scene Design00000
TH 425Scene Painting00000
TH 427Computer Drafting For Theatre00000
TH 432Costume Constructn II00000
TH 649Probs Th Arts: Perform00000
TH 622Scene Design I00000
TH 628Prob Th Arts: Design00000
TH 633Costume Draping Techniques00000
TH 635Projects in Costume Design00000
TH 637Period Costume Construction00000
TH 639Prob Th Art: Costuming00000
TH 641Alexander Technique Directed Study00000
TH 643Teaching Practicum00000
TH 620Structural Design for Theatre00000
TH 663Graduate Directing Studio I00000
TH 669Probs Th Arts: Directg00000
TH 671Leadership in the Arts00000
TH 673Financial Management00000
TH 675Business Legal Issues In Arts00000
TH 677Intermediate Group Voice00000
TH 679Probs Th Arts: Managmt00000
TH 113Voice And Diction00000
TH 558American Feminist Theatre00000
TH 536Fabric Modification00000
TH 540Stage Movemnt Phys Acting00000
TH 542Careers In Prof Theatre00000
TH 544Period Acting Styles I00000
TH 546Adv Voice Speech Perform00000
TH 548Rehearsal Process00000
TH 552Hist Of The Theatre II00000
TH 555Seminar Th Hy: Classic00000
TH 120Principles Of Stage Design00000
TH 567Musicl Theatre Repertoire Coac00000
TH 575The Singing Voice00000
TH 582Playwriting I00000
TH 601Advanced Practicum II00000
TH 603Advanced Practicum III00000
TH 615Lighting Technology00000
TH 617Projection Design00000