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UAlbany Course Reviews

State University of New York at Albany - SUNY

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AART 350Intermediate Digital Imaging00000
AART 530APainting III00000
AART 520ASculpture III00000
AART 505AAdv Drawing and Related Media00000
AART 499Honors Project II00000
AART 497Independent Study Art Studio00000
AART 491Senior Studio00000
AART 446Topics in Photography00000
AART 428Sound Design Film, Thr, Media00000
AART 383His-Prac Video Art I00000
AART 531BProjects In Painting00000
AART 341Concept & Printmak00000
AART 331Painting in Water-Based Media00000
AART 320Intermediate Sculpture00000
AART 305YIntermediate Drawing00000
AART 244Contemporary Darkroom Practice00000
AART 240Contemporary Etching00000
AART 220Beginning Sculpture00000
AART 144Photography and Related Media00000
AART 644BGraduate Photography00000
AART 780Topics In Painting00000
AART 744Concentration in Photography00000
AART 730BWorkshop In Painting00000
AART 720AWorkshop in Sculpture00000
AART 706BWorkshop in Drawing00000
AART 705AConcentration in Drawing00000
AART 705BConcentration in Drawing00000
AART 697Independent Study00000
AART 652AGraduate Video00000
AART 110Two-Dimensional Design00000
AART 640BGraphics00000
AART 631BAdv Projects in Painting00000
AART 630BGraduate Painting00000
AART 620BGraduate Sculpture00000
AART 605BDrawing and Composition00000
AART 605ADrawing and Composition00000
AART 551AProjects Comb Media00000
AART 544AGraduate Photography Workshop00000
AART 344Inter Photo/Digit Imag00000
AART 505BAdv Drawing and Related Media00000
AART 500MA Departmental Seminar00000
AART 498Honors Project I00000
AART 496Mentor Tutorial00000
AART 490Internship in Studio Art00000
AART 435Topics in Painting00000
AART 430Advanced Painting00000
AART 405Advanced Drawing00000
AART 382Exper. Film & Video00000
AART 530BPainting III00000
AART 340Intermediate Etching00000
AART 330Intermediate Painting00000
AART 310Studio Experim Visual Thinking00000
AART 250Introduction Digital Imaging00000
AART 241Silkscreen Printmaking00000
AART 230Beginning Painting00000
AART 205Life Drawing00000
AART 115Three-Dimensional Design00000
AART 642BGraduate Intaglio00000
AART 797Independent Study00000
AART 781Topics In Sculpture00000
AART 751AConcntratn Comb Media00000
AART 741BWorkshop in Intaglio00000
AART 730AWorkshop In Painting00000
AART 720BWorkshop in Sculpture00000
AART 706AWorkshop in Drawing00000
AART 651AComb Media Workshop00000
AART 105Beginning Drawing00000
AART 640AGraphics00000
AART 631AAdv Projects in Painting00000
AART 630AGraduate Painting00000
AART 620AGraduate Sculpture00000
AART 555Comb Media Studio Seminar00000
AART 545BProjects In Graphics00000
AART 544BGraduate Photography Workshop00000
AART 531AProjects In Painting00000