ECE 210
Introduction to Digital Logic Design
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Prof: Duncan Elliott / Fall 2020
Aug 23, 2021
He is an extremely unorganized instructor. I had to teach myself the whole course through youtube videos. His tests are easy but sometimes poorly worded. He also enjoys giving epoll quizzes at random times throughout lectures, and often, it is on something he hasn't taught you yet. I feel bad for anyone who has to take this course with Duncan.
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Class Ratings
Prof: Duncan Elliott / Fall 2020
Mar 27, 2021
He's actually really underrated: Puts little to no pressure on students and encourages learning through your own ideas
Try to read your textbook before/ after each class, his slides are disorganized for sure, but they provide an accurate summary of what he plans to test you on. Office hours are GOATED, attend some, ask questions, and he'll do his best to explain everything to you even If you can't understand s***
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