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Reviews 2

Class Ratings

1Awful Class
1Very Hard
1Very Boring

Professor Rating

1Awful Prof

Prof: Gail De Vos / Spring 2024

Jun 19, 2024

Comments on the course

Personal growth and development as a storyteller is not encouraged. One expects that an instructor would want their students to find their own voice and create new understandings of the craft of storytelling. The readings and multimedia materials are all from the 1990s. She had us watch a video of a storyteller making sexual inuendos. Super awkward. The class is weighted down in her endless personal views which are unrelated to the curriculum - including baiting students to engage with the instructor's personal political views.

Course Content

There is useful material. However, all the assigned work can easily be streamlined and it desperately needs to be brought up to date. Furthermore, given everyone's professional backgrounds and our current age of multimodal storytelling, there needs to be a greater variety of projects and activities. She needs to embrace the future.

Comments on the professor

Gail is insecure in her own self and her lack of academic qualifications. This does not translate well in how she interacts with students. I honestly think that she does not enjoy teaching. She is more interested in her own work outside of academia. Additionally, I find it suspicious and very unprofessional that she uses her personal gmail account instead of the U of A email to communicate with students. It makes for an unsafe, unstable learning environment.


I wish that I had known that she only wants things done one way. I also wish that I had known that she is hostile to students. When you ask for clarification, she does not answer queries directly.

Delivery: OnlineGrade: B-Workload: HeavyTextbook Use: No
Participation HeavyAssignment Heavy

Class Ratings

1Awful Class
1Very Hard
1Very Boring

Professor Rating

1Awful Prof

Prof: Gail De Vos / Spring 2024

Jun 11, 2024

Comments on the course

A personal self agrandization by an instructor with just a masters

Course Content

Storytelling but only the way the instructor wants

Comments on the professor

Rude and in love with herself


How awful the instructor is. Only communication is with her Gmail acct

Delivery: OnlineGrade: B-Workload: HeavyTextbook Use: No

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