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UAlberta Course Reviews

University of Alberta

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
C LIT 101World Literature I34321
C LIT 266Women and World Literature00000
C LIT 460Fundamentals of Comparative Literature00000
C LIT 497Special Topics in Comparative Literature00000
C LIT 502Studies in World Literature II00000
C LIT 521Directed Reading Course I00000
C LIT 585Studies in Forms and Genres00000
C LIT 900ADirected Research Project00000
C LIT 102World Literature II00000
C LIT 207Modern Literary Thought00000
C LIT 228Literature, Popular Culture, and the Visual Arts00000
C LIT 448Studies in Critical Theory00000
C LIT 350Literary Movements and Periods00000
C LIT 399Special Topics00000
C LIT 426Orientalisms and Occidentalisms00000
C LIT 450World Literature and the Environment00000
C LIT 480Directed Reading in Comparative Literature00000
C LIT 501Studies in World Literature I00000
C LIT 512History of Literary Theory II00000
C LIT 560Theories of Comparative Literature00000
C LIT 698Special Reading Course II00000
C LIT 511History of Literary Theory I00000
C LIT 206Early Literary Thought00000
C LIT 210Cyberliterature00000
C LIT 230Scandalous Fictions00000
C LIT 243Fairy Tales and Folk Tales00000
C LIT 347Elements of Genre00000
C LIT 358Great Themes of Literature and Art00000
C LIT 440Comparative Studies in Popular Culture00000
C LIT 464Studies in Literary Genres00000
C LIT 499Honors Tutorial and Essay00000
C LIT 425East/West Critical Theory00000
C LIT 522Directed Reading Course II00000
C LIT 610Special Topics in Literary Theory and Criticism00000
C LIT 900BDirected Research Project00000
C LIT 103Approaches to World Literature00000
C LIT 220Mythology and Literature00000
C LIT 242Science Fiction00000
C LIT 299Special Topics00000
C LIT 352Literature and the Other Arts00000