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UAlberta Course Reviews

University of Alberta

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CMPUT 204Algorithms I2.822.83.84
CMPUT 201Practical Programming Methodology21232
CMPUT 3073D Modeling and Animation3311.52
CMPUT 175Introduction to the Foundations of Computation II4.544.54.52
CMPUT 174Introduction to the Foundations of Computation I4.54.5452
CMPUT 301Introduction to Software Engineering43451
CMPUT 379Operating System Concepts3.32351
CMPUT 229Computer Organization and Architecture I21321
CMPUT 274Introduction to Tangible Computing I21231
CMPUT 267Basics of Machine Learning23431
CMPUT 366Intelligent Systems53551
CMPUT 272Formal Systems and Logic in Computing Science22111
CMPUT 365Introduction to Reinforcement Learning42431
CMPUT 629Topics in Machine Learning00000
CMPUT 658Topics in Artificial Intelligence00000
CMPUT 660Topics in Software Engineering00000
CMPUT 675Topics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 691Topics in Databases00000
CMPUT 697Topics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 654Topics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 250Computers and Games00000
CMPUT 275Introduction to Tangible Computing II00000
CMPUT 296ATopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 297ATopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 298Topics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 299BTopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 313Computer Networks00000
CMPUT 530Topics in Computer Architecture00000
CMPUT 101Introduction to Computing00000
CMPUT 466Machine Learning00000
CMPUT 495Honors Seminar00000
CMPUT 497Topics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 498ATopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 500ATopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 501BTopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 503BTopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 510Topics in Computational Neuroscience00000
CMPUT 652Topics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 551BTopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 563BTopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 600Topics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 604Topics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 622Topics in Machine Learning00000
CMPUT 627Topics in Machine Learning00000
CMPUT 428Computer Vision00000
CMPUT 640Topics in Computer Networks00000
CMPUT 644Topics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 631Robotics00000
CMPUT 551Topics in Artificial Intelligence00000
CMPUT 563Topics in Probabilistic Graphical Models00000
CMPUT 566ATopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 603Teaching and Research Methods00000
CMPUT 607Topics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 609Topics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 615Topics in Image Processing and Vision00000
CMPUT 620Topics in Programming Languages00000
CMPUT 624Topics in Machine Learning00000
CMPUT 628Topics in Machine Learning00000
CMPUT 511BTopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 641Advanced Computer Networks00000
CMPUT 650Topics in Artificial Intelligence00000
CMPUT 653Topics in Artificial Intelligence00000
CMPUT 656Topics in Artificial Intelligence00000
CMPUT 659Topics in Artificial Intelligence00000
CMPUT 664Topics in Software Engineering00000
CMPUT 672Algorithmic Graph Theory00000
CMPUT 690Topics in Databases00000
CMPUT 696Topics in Data Management00000
CMPUT 414Introduction to Multimedia Technology00000
CMPUT 333Security in a Networked World00000
CMPUT 355Games, Puzzles, Algorithms00000
CMPUT 382Introduction to GPU Programming00000
CMPUT 396ATopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 397ATopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 398ATopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 399Topics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 401Software Process and Product Management00000
CMPUT 404Web Applications and Architecture00000
CMPUT 328Visual Recognition00000
CMPUT 429Computer Systems and Architecture00000
CMPUT 474Formal Languages, Automata, and Computability00000
CMPUT 496ATopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 497BTopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 499ATopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 500Topics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 501Topics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 503Topics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 504BTopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 530ATopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 455Search, Knowledge and Simulation00000
CMPUT 470Computational Neuroscience00000
CMPUT 496Topics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 497ATopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 498BTopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 499BTopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 501ATopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 504Topics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 511Topics In Computer Graphics00000
CMPUT 415Compiler Design00000
CMPUT 551ATopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 563ATopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 566Topics in Machine Learning00000
CMPUT 566BTopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 606Topics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 617Topics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 651Topics in Artificial Intelligence00000
CMPUT 657Heuristic Search00000
CMPUT 663Topics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 331Computational Cryptography00000
CMPUT 206Introduction to Digital Image Processing00000
CMPUT 291Introduction to File and Database Management00000
CMPUT 296BTopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 297BTopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 298BTopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 300Computers and Society00000
CMPUT 304Algorithms II00000
CMPUT 308Video Processing and Applications00000
CMPUT 325Non-Procedural Programming Languages00000
CMPUT 681Topics in Parallel and Distributed Systems00000
CMPUT 350Advanced Games Programming00000
CMPUT 361Introduction to Information Retrieval00000
CMPUT 396Topics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 397Topics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 397BTopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 398BTopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 399BTopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 403Practical Algorithmics00000
CMPUT 410Web-Based Information Systems00000
CMPUT 608Topics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 496BTopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 498Topics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 499Topics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 500BTopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 503ATopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 504ATopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 511ATopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 530BTopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 605Topics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 481Parallel and Distributed Systems00000
CMPUT 610Topics in Computer Graphics00000
CMPUT 616Topics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 626Topics in Machine Learning00000
CMPUT 655Topics in Artificial Intelligence00000
CMPUT 670Topics in the Theory of Computation00000
CMPUT 680Topics in Systems00000
CMPUT 692Modern Database Management Systems00000
CMPUT 701Essay in Computing Science I00000
CMPUT 299Topics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 340Introduction to Numerical Methods00000
CMPUT 694Topics in Databases00000
CMPUT 210Codes, Codemakers, Codebreakers: An Introduction to Cryptography00000
CMPUT 296Topics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 297Topics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 298ATopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 299ATopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 302Introduction to Human Computer Interaction00000
CMPUT 312Introduction to Robotics and Mechatronics00000
CMPUT 329Computer Organization and Architecture II00000
CMPUT 412Experimental Mobile Robotics00000
CMPUT 391Database Management Systems00000
CMPUT 396BTopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 398Topics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 399ATopics in Computing Science00000
CMPUT 402Software Quality00000
CMPUT 411Introduction to Computer Graphics00000
CMPUT 416Foundations of Program Analysis00000
CMPUT 463Probabilistic Graphical Models00000