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UAlberta Course Reviews

University of Alberta

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
DES 135Design Fundamentals43541
DES 683Seminar on Contemporary Design Issues00000
DES 394Foundations of Visual Communication Design II00000
DES 403Furniture Design Principles and Practices I00000
DES 437ASpecial Projects in Studio Disciplines: Intermediate00000
DES 483Seminar on Design Issues00000
DES 493Concepts and Systems in Visual Communication Design I00000
DES 496The Image II00000
DES 500The Practice of Industrial Design I00000
DES 503Furniture Design Applications and Production Technologies00000
DES 537ASpecial Projects in Studio Disciplines: Advanced00000
DES 584Integrative Design Applications I00000
DES 593The Practice of Graphic Design I00000
DES 596Communication Design for Interactive Media II00000
DES 601Concepts, Analysis and Criticism in Design II00000
DES 384Introduction to Integrative Design00000
DES 139Design Fundamentals II00000
DES 396Introduction to Research and Theory in Design00000
DES 402Product Design Principles and Practices I00000
DES 437BSpecial Projects in Studio Disciplines: Intermediate00000
DES 484Integrative Design Principles and Practices I00000
DES 494Concepts and Systems in Visual Communication Design II00000
DES 498Information Design00000
DES 502Product Design Applications and Technologies00000
DES 525BWord and Image: Advanced Projects in Printmaking for Designers and Artists00000
DES 538Special Projects in Studio Disciplines: Advanced00000
DES 586Design Practicum I00000
DES 594The Practice of Graphic Design II00000
DES 600Concepts, Analysis and Criticism in Design I00000
DES 681Theory and Research in Design Studies II00000
DES 425BWord and Image: Intermediate Projects in Printmaking for Designers and Artists00000
DES 300Foundations of Industrial Design I00000
DES 302Introduction to Visual Presentation I00000
DES 337BSpecial Projects in Studio Disciplines: Introductory00000
DES 393Foundations of Visual Communication Design I00000
DES 400Intermediate Industrial Design Principles and Practices I00000
DES 425AWord and Image: Intermediate Projects in Printmaking for Designers and Artists00000
DES 587Design Practicum II00000
DES 597Design Management00000
DES 680Theory and Research in Design Studies I00000
DES 303Introduction to Visual Presentation II00000
DES 338Special Projects in Studio Disciplines: Introductory00000
DES 395Introduction to Form, Visual Elements and Systems00000
DES 401Intermediate Industrial Design Principles and Practices II00000
DES 337ASpecial Projects in Studio Disciplines: Introductory00000
DES 438Special Projects in Studio Disciplines: Intermediate00000
DES 485Integrative Design Principles and Practices II00000
DES 495The Image I00000
DES 497Advanced Typography00000
DES 501The Practice of Industrial Design II00000
DES 525AWord and Image: Advanced Projects in Printmaking for Designers and Artists00000
DES 537BSpecial Projects in Studio Disciplines: Advanced00000
DES 585Integrative Design Applications II00000
DES 595Communication Design for Interactive Media I00000
DES 630Seminar in Related Disciplines00000
DES 685Special Topics in Design Studies00000
DES 138Design Fundamentals I00000
DES 301Foundations of Industrial Design II00000