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UAlberta Course Reviews

University of Alberta

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
DRAMA 150Introduction to Dramatic Process3.32441
DRAMA 545BSpeech in Rehearsal and Performance00000
DRAMA 457Production/Performance00000
DRAMA 483Elements of Directing00000
DRAMA 492Production Lab III00000
DRAMA 498BWorkshops in Technical Production00000
DRAMA 499BExplorations in Acting II00000
DRAMA 507Senior Projects00000
DRAMA 535AMovement in Rehearsal and Performance00000
DRAMA 544ADialects and Accents/Language Styles00000
DRAMA 454Performance Creation00000
DRAMA 595Professional Orientation for Theatre Artists00000
DRAMA 601Methods and Tools of Research00000
DRAMA 606Special Projects in Theatre Practice00000
DRAMA 609Contemporary Approaches to Dramatic and Theatrical Critical Theories00000
DRAMA 621Research Seminar I00000
DRAMA 640AVoice Pedagogy I00000
DRAMA 357Scene Study II00000
DRAMA 203Performance Analysis00000
DRAMA 259Performer-Created Theatre00000
DRAMA 291Introduction to Lighting, Electrics, and Sound00000
DRAMA 298Stage Management in Professional Theatre00000
DRAMA 308Theatre History II: Modern Theatre00000
DRAMA 334ABeginning Movement00000
DRAMA 344AVoice and Speech00000
DRAMA 355AActing in Rehearsal and Performance00000
DRAMA 684Styles of Directing II00000
DRAMA 383Introduction to Directing00000
DRAMA 393Production Lab II B00000
DRAMA 395Practicum - Stage Management00000
DRAMA 399BExplorations in Acting I00000
DRAMA 407Studies in Drama II00000
DRAMA 444AAdvanced Voice and Speech00000
DRAMA 445BSpeech in Rehearsal and Performance00000
DRAMA 608Historical Approaches to Dramatic and Theatrical Critical Theories00000
DRAMA 435AMovement in Rehearsal and Performance00000
DRAMA 534BAdvanced Movement00000
DRAMA 545ASpeech in Rehearsal and Performance00000
DRAMA 554BRehearsal and Performance00000
DRAMA 577Special Projects00000
DRAMA 590BProduction Crew III00000
DRAMA 599Explorations in Acting III00000
DRAMA 605BSpecial Projects in Theatre00000
DRAMA 427Topics in Community Based and Applied Theatre00000
DRAMA 617BDramaturgy II00000
DRAMA 623Research Seminar III00000
DRAMA 641AVoice Pedagogy II00000
DRAMA 642Vocal Coaching for the Theatre I00000
DRAMA 683Styles of Directing I00000
DRAMA 686Advanced Projects in Directing II: New Play Dramaturgy00000
DRAMA 777Theatre Practice Projects00000
DRAMA 644Vocal Coaching for the Theatre III00000
DRAMA 401Research and Critical Writing Skills00000
DRAMA 395APracticum - Stage Management00000
DRAMA 392AProduction Lab II00000
DRAMA 361Playwriting00000
DRAMA 345BSpeech in Rehearsal and Performance00000
DRAMA 335BMovement in Rehearsal and Performance00000
DRAMA 331Movement and Physical Theatre00000
DRAMA 306Historical Approaches to Western Dramatic and Theatrical Theories00000
DRAMA 296Introduction to Theatre Stage Management00000
DRAMA 290BProduction Lab I00000
DRAMA 257Scene Study I00000
DRAMA 247Introduction to Oral Communication00000
DRAMA 101Introduction to Theatre Art00000
DRAMA 690Topics in Applied Theatre Aesthetics00000
DRAMA 103Critical Analysis of Playtexts00000
DRAMA 640BVoice Pedagogy I00000
DRAMA 453Physical Comedy00000
DRAMA 455BActing in Rehearsal and Performance00000
DRAMA 458Advanced Acting Technique II00000
DRAMA 490BProduction Crew II00000
DRAMA 498AWorkshops in Technical Production00000
DRAMA 607ADramaturgy I00000
DRAMA 617Dramaturgy II00000
DRAMA 622Research Seminar II00000
DRAMA 445ASpeech in Rehearsal and Performance00000
DRAMA 677Senior Applied Projects00000
DRAMA 685Advanced Projects in Directing I00000
DRAMA 695Final Research Project (Course Based Masters)00000
DRAMA 149Dramatic Process I00000
DRAMA 208Theatre History I00000
DRAMA 270Basic Theatre Design00000
DRAMA 290AProduction Lab I00000
DRAMA 356Beginning Acting Technique I00000
DRAMA 240Oral Communication and Interpretation00000
DRAMA 279Introduction to Theatre Production00000
DRAMA 292Advanced Lighting, Electrics, and Sound00000
DRAMA 299Production Management00000
DRAMA 307Studies in Drama I00000
DRAMA 327Community-Based Theatre00000
DRAMA 335AMovement in Rehearsal and Performance00000
DRAMA 345ASpeech in Rehearsal and Performance00000
DRAMA 295Production Techniques: Set Construction00000
DRAMA 377AProduction (Service)00000
DRAMA 391Production Lab I00000
DRAMA 394Production Techniques - Sound00000
DRAMA 399AExplorations in Acting I00000
DRAMA 406Contemporary Approaches to Dramatic and Theatrical Theories00000
DRAMA 434ATheatre Movement00000
DRAMA 435BMovement in Rehearsal and Performance00000
DRAMA 590AProduction Crew III00000
DRAMA 490AProduction Crew II00000
DRAMA 494Specialized Skills in Stage Management00000
DRAMA 499AExplorations in Acting II00000
DRAMA 505Advanced Topics in Theatre Studies00000
DRAMA 534AAdvanced Movement00000
DRAMA 535BMovement in Rehearsal and Performance00000
DRAMA 544BDialects and Accents/Language Styles00000
DRAMA 554ARehearsal and Performance00000
DRAMA 456Advanced Acting Technique I00000
DRAMA 596Advanced Stage Management00000
DRAMA 605ASpecial Projects in Theatre00000
DRAMA 607BDramaturgy I00000
DRAMA 617ADramaturgy II00000
DRAMA 624Research Seminar IV00000
DRAMA 641BVoice Pedagogy II00000
DRAMA 643Vocal Coaching for the Theatre II00000
DRAMA 102Play Analysis00000
DRAMA 455AActing in Rehearsal and Performance00000
DRAMA 452Solo Performance00000
DRAMA 444BAdvanced Voice and Speech00000
DRAMA 434BTheatre Movement00000
DRAMA 409Contemporary Theatre00000
DRAMA 402Tutorial Fourth-Year Honors Essay00000
DRAMA 395BPracticum - Stage Management00000
DRAMA 392BProduction Lab II00000
DRAMA 377BProduction (Service)00000
DRAMA 358Beginning Acting Technique II00000
DRAMA 355BActing in Rehearsal and Performance00000
DRAMA 344BVoice and Speech00000
DRAMA 334BBeginning Movement00000
DRAMA 312Indigenous Theatre in Canada00000
DRAMA 302Modern Canadian Theatre00000