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UAlberta Course Reviews

University of Alberta

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ECON 101Introduction to Microeconomics4.744.54.52
ECON 109Basic Writing in Economics I3.75331
ECON 531Labor Economics I00000
ECON 241Money00000
ECON 222Technology, Institutions and Economic Growth00000
ECON 204Principles of Economics00000
ECON 102Introduction to Macroeconomics00000
ECON 999Directed Research Project00000
ECON 672Topics in Industrial Economics00000
ECON 608Topics in Econometrics00000
ECON 591Graduate Research Workshop I00000
ECON 581Macroeconomic Theory I00000
ECON 567The Economics of Exhaustible Resources00000
ECON 553Economics of Taxation00000
ECON 542Economics of Financial Markets00000
ECON 281Intermediate Microeconomic Theory I00000
ECON 512Economic Development I00000
ECON 500Selected Topics in Economics00000
ECON 486Macroeconomics and Asset Pricing00000
ECON 484Game Theory and Economic Applications00000
ECON 471Strategic Behavior of the Firm00000
ECON 451Indigenous Economic Development00000
ECON 423Topics in International Trade and Development in India00000
ECON 412European Economic Development00000
ECON 410Pacific Rim Economic Development00000
ECON 389Macroeconomic Measurement00000
ECON 384Intermediate Microeconomic Theory II00000
ECON 485Macroeconomic Policy00000
ECON 900BDirected Research Project00000
ECON 640Topics in Monetary Economics00000
ECON 603Selected Topics in Economics IV00000
ECON 594Economic Data Analysis II00000
ECON 582Macroeconomic Theory II00000
ECON 570Strategic Behavior of the Firm00000
ECON 562Urban Economics II00000
ECON 551Indigenous Economic Development II00000
ECON 532Labor Economics II00000
ECON 521International Economics I00000
ECON 505Microeconomic Theory II00000
ECON 497Econometric Methods00000
ECON 350The Economics of Public Expenditures00000
ECON 472Market Power: Theory and Policy00000
ECON 462Urban Economics00000
ECON 442The Economics of Financial Markets00000
ECON 422International Payments00000
ECON 414Economics of Developing Countries00000
ECON 403Selected Topics in Economics III00000
ECON 387Applications of Mathematics to Economics II00000
ECON 378Law and Economics: Common Law and Economic Incentives00000
ECON 359Behavioural and Experimental Economics00000
ECON 341Money and Banking00000
ECON 303Selected Topics in Economics II00000
ECON 509Time Series Methods in Financial Econometrics00000
ECON 226History of Economic Thought II00000
ECON 213An Introduction to the Economics of Developing Countries00000
ECON 203Selected Topics in Economics I00000
ECON 900ADirected Research Project00000
ECON 612Topics in Economic Development00000
ECON 598Econometric Theory and Applications00000
ECON 586Macroeconomics and Asset Pricing00000
ECON 571Market Power: Theory and Policy00000
ECON 557Health Economics00000
ECON 552Political Economy II00000
ECON 540Monetary Economics I00000
ECON 513Economic Development II00000
ECON 299Quantitative Methods in Economics00000
ECON 494Economic Data Analysis I00000
ECON 481Advanced Microeconomic Theory00000
ECON 467Environmental and Natural Resource Policy00000
ECON 450Topics in Public Economics00000
ECON 431Labor Economics00000
ECON 418Topics in Canadian Economic Development00000
ECON 400Honors Essay: Fourth-Year Honors Economics00000
ECON 386Applications of Mathematics to Economics I00000
ECON 373Industrial Organization00000
ECON 357Health Economics00000
ECON 331Labor Economics00000
ECON 522International Economics II00000
ECON 282Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory I00000
ECON 323International Economics00000
ECON 269Economics of the Environment00000
ECON 251Indigenous Economics00000
ECON 225History of Economic Thought00000
ECON 211Chinese Economic Development00000
ECON 699Selected Research Topics in Economics00000
ECON 599Applied Econometrics00000
ECON 589Macroeconometric Analysis00000
ECON 572The Economics of Regulation: Theory and Applications00000
ECON 566Environmental Economics00000
ECON 550Public Expenditure00000
ECON 365Resource Economics00000
ECON 503Microeconomic Theory I00000
ECON 493Economic Forecasting00000
ECON 482Advanced Macroeconomic Theory00000
ECON 452Political Economy00000
ECON 432Economics of Education00000
ECON 421International Trade00000
ECON 404Applied Economics Projects00000
ECON 399Introductory Econometrics00000
ECON 385Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory II00000
ECON 366Energy Economics00000
ECON 353Taxation Policy and Structure00000