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UAlberta Course Reviews

University of Alberta

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HADVC 211Special Topics in the History of Art, Design and Visual Culture53441
HADVC 208History of Art, Design, and Visual Culture in the United States00000
HADVC 215China Art Now00000
HADVC 246History of Art, Design and Visual Culture in the Mid-20th Century00000
HADVC 257History of Art, Design, and Visual Culture in Canada00000
HADVC 311Issues in the History of Art, Design and Visual Culture00000
HADVC 336Introduction to Performance Art00000
HADVC 406Topics in Art, Design and Visual Culture in the Early 20th Century00000
HADVC 418ASpecial Subject, Fourth-Year Honors00000
HADVC 456Topics in Art, Design and Visual Culture from the Mid-20th Century to the Present00000
HADVC 511Advanced Special Topics in Art, Design and Visual Culture00000
HADVC 600Advanced Theory and Methods in Art, Design and Visual Culture00000
HADVC 202History of Art, Design, and Visual Culture in the Renaissance00000
HADVC 205History of Art, Design, and Visual Culture, 1700-184800000
HADVC 213History of Art, Design, and Visual Culture in Latin America00000
HADVC 216China's Design Revolution00000
HADVC 255History of Art, Design, and Visual Culture, 1848-190000000
HADVC 306Modernism and Modernity00000
HADVC 315China Urban: Art & Design Now00000
HADVC 346Introduction to Critical Theory in the History of Art, Design, and Visual Culture00000
HADVC 409Topics in the History of Design00000
HADVC 418BSpecial Subject, Fourth-Year Honors00000
HADVC 506Advanced Studies in Art, Design and Visual Culture in the Early 20th Century00000
HADVC 555Advanced Studies in Art, Design and Visual Culture in the Second Half of the 19th Century00000
HADVC 611Special Topics in Art History00000
HADVC 900Directed Research Project00000
HADVC 209History of Modern Design00000
HADVC 214Perspectives on the Arts of China00000
HADVC 226Gender, Sexuality and Visual Culture00000
HADVC 256History of Art, Design, and Visual Culture in the Contemporary Era00000
HADVC 309Design Theory and History00000
HADVC 330Art and Institutions00000
HADVC 400Theory and Methods in Art, Design and Visual Culture00000
HADVC 412Topics in Asian Art, Design and Visual Culture00000
HADVC 455Topics in Art, Design and Visual Culture in the Second Half of the 19th Century00000
HADVC 509Advanced Studies in the History of Design00000
HADVC 556Advanced Studies in Art, Design and Visual Culture from the Mid-20th Century to the Present00000
HADVC 210History of Photography00000
HADVC 100Introduction to the History of Art, Design, and Visual Culture00000
HADVC 206History of Art, Design, and Visual Culture in the Early 20th Century00000
HADVC 217History of Art, Design, and Visual Culture in Japan00000
HADVC 301Geographies of Art, Design, and Visual Culture00000
HADVC 326Feminist Art: In Theory and Practice00000
HADVC 403Topics in Early Modern Art, Design and Visual Culture00000
HADVC 411Special Topics in the History of Art, Design and Visual Culture00000
HADVC 503Advanced Studies in Early Modern Art, Design and Visual Culture00000
HADVC 512Advanced Studies in Asian Art, Design and Visual Culture00000
HADVC 677Graduate Research Seminar00000
HADVC 203History of Art, Design, and Visual Culture in the 17th Century00000