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UALR Course Reviews

University of Arkansas at Little Rock

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANTH 1415Physical Anthropology00000
ANTH 7305Teaching Internship00000
ANTH 5398ST: Historical Archaeology00000
ANTH 5355Forensic Anthropology00000
ANTH 5155Forensic Anth Lab00000
ANTH 4467Primatology00000
ANTH 4395Senior Seminar In Holism00000
ANTH 4382Anthropological Theory00000
ANTH 4355Forensic Anthropology00000
ANTH 4325Egyptology00000
ANTH 4316Linguistic Anthropology00000
ANTH 4155Forensic Anth Lab00000
ANTH 3378Medical Anthropology00000
ANTH 3312North American Indians00000
ANTH 2316Understanding Cultures00000
ANTH 7310IS: Economic Anthropology00000
ANTH 5485Ethnographic Methods00000
ANTH 5382Anthropological Theory00000
ANTH 5316Linguistic Anthropology00000
ANTH 4485Ethnographic Methods00000
ANTH 4398ST: Anthropology of Tourism00000
ANTH 4390Teaching Internship00000
ANTH 4380Independent Study00000
ANTH 4327Internship00000
ANTH 4321Religion Soc & Culture00000
ANTH 4180Independent Study00000
ANTH 3381Social Stat00000
ANTH 3313Archaeology00000