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UALR Course Reviews

University of Arkansas at Little Rock

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARHA 2306Intro to Architecture00000
ARHA 7399Thesis00000
ARHA 7328Seminar 20th Century Art00000
ARHA 5387Late 19-20th Century Art00000
ARHA 5310ST: African American Art00000
ARHA 530718th/19th Europe Art00000
ARHA 4397Capstone in Art History00000
ARHA 4387Late 19-20th Century Art00000
ARHA 4310ST: African American Art00000
ARHA 430718th/19th Europe00000
ARHA 3309History of Design00000
ARHA 2311Art History Survey II00000
ARHA 2305Intro to Visual Art00000
ARHA 7397Special Problems00000
ARHA 7297Special Problems00000
ARHA 5384Baroque Art00000
ARHA 5308Art Since 194500000
ARHA 5300Studies History Of Art00000
ARHA 4391Independent Study00000
ARHA 4384Baroque Art00000
ARHA 4308Art Since 194500000
ARHA 4300Studies History Of Art00000
ARHA 2312Survey of Non-Western Art00000
ARHA 2310Art History Survey I00000