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UALR Course Reviews

University of Arkansas at Little Rock

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MKTG 2380Legal Environment Bus55541
MKTG 4355Advanced Professional Selling00000
MKTG 7399Independent Study00000
MKTG 7311Marketing for Profit & Growth00000
MKTG 4396Cooperative Education II00000
MKTG 4395Cooperative Education I00000
MKTG 4390Independent Study00000
MKTG 4385Marketing Management00000
MKTG 4378Real Estate Law00000
MKTG 4370Bus-To-Bus Marketing00000
MKTG 4351Sales Management00000
MKTG 4316Digital Marketing00000
MKTG 4315Social Media Mktg Strategy00000
MKTG 4310Marketing Research00000
MKTG 3385Consumer Analysis/Behav00000
MKTG 3353Professional Selling00000
MKTG 3352Sem: Social Media Mktg00000
MKTG 3350Principles Of Marketing00000