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UB Course Reviews

University at Buffalo

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AMS 145LECCities Of The World00000
AMS 528LECColonialism & Education00000
AMS 554SEMIndigenous Studies Topics-Indigenous In Academia00000
AMS 598TUTResearch Supervision00000
AMS 624TUTSupervised Fieldwork00000
AMS 626TUTSupervised Teaching00000
AMS 701TUTMa Thesis Supervision00000
AMS 102LECThe Asian American Exper00000
AMS 107LECIntro American Studies00000
AMS 113SEMAmer Lives & Envirnmts00000
AMS 122SEMArt & Socl Consciousness00000
AMS 524TUTDirected Reading00000
AMS 179SEMIntro To Native Amer Hist00000
AMS 276LECLang Cult Native No Amer00000
AMS 540SEMSpecial Topics-Liberation Struggles00000
AMS 560SEMSpecial Topics-Intro To Teaching Undergrads00000
AMS 621SEMFieldwork In The Americas00000
AMS 623TUTSupervised Fieldwork00000
AMS 625TUTSupervised Teaching00000
AMS 700TUTProject Supervision00000
AMS 702TUTDissertation Supervision00000
AMS 364SEMResearch Methods00000
AMS 111SEMHip Hop And Social Issues00000
AMS 144LECNative Amer Natural Resources00000
AMS 197SEMSeneca Language00000
AMS 199SEMUb Seminar-New Comers:The Caribbean Ameri00000
AMS 281SEMNative Am & The Colonist00000
AMS 293SEMRace, Law & Society00000
AMS 301SEMIntro To Native American Women00000
AMS 319SEMBlack Presnc Lat Am Cult00000
AMS 325SEMContemp Afro-Carib Religion00000
AMS 100LECIndian Image On Film00000
AMS 437SEMSpecial Topics00000
AMS 499TUTIndependent Study00000
AMS 500SEMTopics-Black Feminist Thought00000
AMS 503SEMTopics Cultural History:1-Topics Cultural History00000
AMS 504SEMDiversity & Cultural Awareness00000
AMS 520SEMSpecial Topics-Primary Sources00000
AMS 521TUTDirected Research00000
AMS 522TUTDirected Research00000
AMS 523TUTDirected Reading00000