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UB Course Reviews

University at Buffalo

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 105LAB2d Concepts55551
ART 317LABSculp Methods, Spatial Inquiry53551
ART 150LECVisual Theory Aesth & Crit24311
ART 100LECWhat Are You Looking At?53531
ART 575SEMSpecial Topics-Sound & Field: Aural Inquiries00000
ART 240LECHistory Of Graphic Design00000
ART 226LECMachines, Codes And Cultures00000
ART 223LABFigure Drawing 100000
ART 212LABPainting & Popular Culture00000
ART 208LABDrawing Ii:Material & Mark00000
ART 202LABRelief And Letterpress00000
ART 199SEMUb Seminar-A.i. In Art And Everyday Life00000
ART 120LAB3d Concepts00000
ART 699TUT2nd Yr Graduate Research00000
ART 599TUTFirst Year Grad Research00000
ART 598TUTSupervised Teaching00000
ART 260LECVisual Theory Aesth 200000
ART 562LABInstallation: Urban Space00000
ART 543STUComp Media Ii00000
ART 499TUTIndependent Study Studio00000
ART 489LABReal-Space Electronic Art00000
ART 475SEMSpecial Topics-Sound And Field00000
ART 464LABBiological Art00000
ART 446LECHistory Of Graphic Design00000
ART 422LABEntrepreneurship For Creators00000
ART 412LABProf Practice In Pnting 200000
ART 384LABComputational Media I00000
ART 383LABInteractive Art & Design00000
ART 666TUTArt Internship00000
ART 589LABReal-Space Electronic Art00000
ART 573LABPerformative Action00000
ART 547SEMHistory Of Graphic Design00000
ART 510SEMGrad Seminar 200000
ART 496LABInternship00000
ART 479SEMThe Revolutionary Sublime00000
ART 473LABPerformative Action00000
ART 462LABInstallation:Urban Space00000
ART 430LABAdv Sculp Studio Pract 200000
ART 419LABIdentity Design00000
ART 411LABProf Practice In Pnting 100000
ART 354LABStudio Photography00000
ART 370LABTopics - Photography Practices00000
ART 360LABPhoto Process Imagery00000
ART 353LABView Camera00000
ART 340LABHist & Exper Photo Tech00000
ART 330LABIntermediate Sculpture 200000
ART 325LABLithography & Monotype00000
ART 321LABTypographic Form00000
ART 315LABB&w Film Photo00000
ART 311LABAltern Pnting Strategies00000
ART 308LABDrawing Ii:Material & Mark00000
ART 305LABIntaglio & Collagraph00000
ART 303LABIntroduction To Digital Art00000
ART 310LABPainting & Popular Culture00000
ART 449SEMTopics Contemporary Photo00000
ART 429LABAdv Sculp Studio Pract 100000
ART 415LABSpec Top In Vis Studies00000
ART 410LABArt & Design For Social Impact00000
ART 381LABMotion Graphics00000
ART 362LABImage, Apparatus, Program00000
ART 350LABSpecial Topics-Sketchbook Intensive00000
ART 333LAB3d Precision Prod Concpts00000
ART 329LABIntermediate Sculpture 100000
ART 323LABFigure Drawing 300000
ART 320LABWeb Design00000
ART 313LABIntro To Photography00000
ART 470LABPhotography - An Art Practice00000
ART 307LABThematic Drawing 100000
ART 304LABScreen Print Extended00000
ART 301LABBasic Painting00000
ART 250LABIntroduction To Digital Art00000
ART 229LABIntroduction To Sculpture I00000
ART 224LABFigure Drawing 200000
ART 220LABTime Based Concepts00000
ART 210LABIntro To Photography00000
ART 205LABIntaglio And Collagraph00000
ART 200LECDept Of Art Speakers Series00000
ART 140LABTime Based Concepts00000
ART 221LABTypographic Form00000
ART 365LABExperimental Photography00000
ART 341LABArtist's Books00000
ART 331LLBArt And Life00000
ART 326LABLitho & Monotype Extended00000
ART 322LABTypographic Systems00000
ART 312LABSelf-Initiated Painting00000
ART 309LABMeaning, Representation & Cltr00000
ART 306LABIntaglio, Relief Extended00000
ART 302LABRelief And Letterpress00000
ART 259LABIntro To Screen Print00000
ART 231LABPainting Non Major 100000
ART 225LABLithography And Monotype00000
ART 375LECScience Culture Media00000
ART 211LABBasic Painting00000
ART 207LABDrawing Concepts00000
ART 201LABIntroduction To Graphic Design00000
ART 111LABDrawing Fundamentals00000
ART 690TUTGrad Project Supervision00000
ART 576LABTopics In Print Media00000
ART 564LABBiological Art00000
ART 545LABSpecial Topics Studio-Land Art00000
ART 509SEMGrad Seminar 100000
ART 494LABSenior Thesis00000
ART 476LABTopics In Print Media00000