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UB Course Reviews

University at Buffalo

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
GGS 103LECWomen's Bodies, Women's Health24121
GGS 499TUTIndependent Study00000
GGS 379SEMSex: Gender & Pop Culture00000
GGS 498TUTUg Research & Creative Act00000
GGS 497TUTDept Honors Thesis00000
GGS 496TUTWomens Studies Internship00000
GGS 495TUTSupervised Teaching00000
GGS 494SEMSenior Capstone00000
GGS 490SEMSenior Sem: Research Proj00000
GGS 487SEMInt'l Orgs Gender & Sustain00000
GGS 460SEMBlack Women In Us History00000
GGS 439SEMGender And The Cold War00000
GGS 421SEMDemocracy And Gender00000
GGS 418SEMComp. Slavery: Afr./am./carib.00000
GGS 415SEMMedia And Gender00000
GGS 414SEMGlobalization And Gender00000
GGS 409SEMQuantitative Met Soc Res00000
GGS 402SEMSpecial Topics-Boccaccio's Decameron00000
GGS 401SEMSpecial Topics-Bauhaus00000
GGS 710TUTDissertation Supervision00000
GGS 570SEMInt'l Orgs Gender & Sustain00000
GGS 101LECIntro Gender & Wmn Studies00000
GGS 709SEMQuantitative Met Soc Res00000
GGS 708TUTComprehen Exam Readings00000
GGS 700TUTM.a. Thesis Supervision00000
GGS 661SEMSpecial Topics-Prob Of Life Fem/queer Biopoli00000
GGS 660SEMSpecial Topics-Gndr & Genre: Global Wmn Voice00000
GGS 630TUTSupervised Teaching00000
GGS 620TUTSupervised Research00000
GGS 514SEMGlobalization And Gender00000
GGS 560SEMSpecial Topics-Womens Studies Internship00000
GGS 545SEMSpecial Topics-Comp. Slavery: Afr./am./carib.00000
GGS 540SEMNew Ethnographic Methods00000
GGS 526SEMFeminism, Art, And Culture00000
GGS 523SEMNew Directions In Queer Theory00000
GGS 521SEMDemocracy & Gender00000
GGS 520TUTDirected Reading00000
GGS 518SEMReadgs In Feminist Theory00000
GGS 234LECWomen In The Middle East00000
GGS 308LECImage And Gender00000
GGS 301SEMIntro To Native American Women00000
GGS 280SEMAmerican Women Writers00000
GGS 273LECFashion: Art And Practice00000
GGS 265SEMSexuality And Cultures00000
GGS 260SEMWomen's Health:Probl& Prac00000
GGS 247SEMWomen In Latin America00000
GGS 241SEMWomen In Devlp Countries00000
GGS 240SEMWomen In Contemporary Asia00000
GGS 322LECAfrica: Global/imperialism00000
GGS 228SEMIntro To Feminist Theory00000
GGS 225SEMViolence In Gender World00000
GGS 210LECWomen Of The Ancient World00000
GGS 205LECWomen In The Global System00000
GGS 199SEMUb Seminar-Genesis And Gender00000
GGS 149SEMTopics-Women's Bodies And Health00000
GGS 114LECMusic In Society: Mus & Gender00000
GGS 109LECIntro To Sexuality Studies00000
GGS 350SEMGender And Sexuality In Africa00000
GGS 376LECSpecial Topics-Race Sexuality & Public Policy00000
GGS 369LECQueer Theory00000
GGS 368SEMRes/human Sexuality&religion00000
GGS 360SEMWomen's Health:Probl& Prac00000
GGS 356LECSoc Hist Women 1875-Pres00000
GGS 355SEMFeminism And Queer Theory00000
GGS 354SEMRace, Class & Society00000
GGS 352LECLife Writing00000
GGS 376SEMSpecial Topics-Performance Art00000
GGS 347SEMWomen In Latin America00000
GGS 341LECSoc Hist Of Women In Us00000
GGS 335LECWomen Writers00000
GGS 334LECWomen In The Middle East00000
GGS 330SEMGlobal Women's Voices00000
GGS 327LECGender In Asian Literature00000
GGS 325SEMViolence In Gender World00000
GGS 324SEMControlling Reproduction00000