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UB Course Reviews

University at Buffalo

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
GLY 101LECNatural Hazards51421
GLY 450LLBGeodynamics00000
GLY 453LECQuat Dating/paleoclimate00000
GLY 447LLBGlaciology00000
GLY 445LECGlacial Geology00000
GLY 438LECAdvanced Stratigraphy00000
GLY 433LECVolcanic Rocks00000
GLY 431LECVolcanology00000
GLY 429LECAnalysis Of Geol Data 100000
GLY 428LECGeologic Hazards & Risk00000
GLY 427LLBStats&modeling Geol Data00000
GLY 419LLBEnvironmental Geophysics00000
GLY 414LLBHydrogeology00000
GLY 409LECAdvanced Ecology00000
GLY 326LLBStructure/global Tectonics00000
GLY 325LLBGeophysics00000
GLY 315LLBSedimentary Geology & Paleo00000
GLY 312LLBSurface Proc & Hydro00000
GLY 310LLBEcological Methods00000
GLY 493SEMPegrum Colloquium00000
GLY 545LECGlacial Geology00000
GLY 533LECVolcanic Rocks00000
GLY 530LLBGroundwater Modeling00000
GLY 528LECGeologic Hazards & Risk00000
GLY 501LECElements Of Geol. Res.00000
GLY 499TUTIndependent Study00000
GLY 498TUTUndergraduate Research00000
GLY 497TUTDept Honors Thesis00000
GLY 495TUTUndergraduate Ta00000
GLY 308LRIntro Geochemistry00000
GLY 480LECTectonics & Appalachians00000
GLY 479LECCarbon Reduction Challenge00000
GLY 477LECAdv Physical Volcanology00000
GLY 470LLBFracture &flow Earth Materials00000
GLY 465LLBEnvironmtl Remote Sensing00000
GLY 462LLBAqueous Geochemistry00000
GLY 458LECMacroevolution00000
GLY 454LECTopics: Planetary Geosciences-Geology Of Venus00000
GLY 553LECQuat Dating/paleoclimate00000
GLY 573LECIntro Computational Earth Sci00000
GLY 570LLBFracture &flow Earth Materials00000
GLY 569LECBiogeochem & Ecosystem Ecology00000
GLY 565LLBEnvironmtl Remote Sensing00000
GLY 563LECField Methods In Hydrogeology00000
GLY 562LLBAqueous Geochemistry00000
GLY 558LECMacroevolution00000
GLY 555SEMEvolution Colloquium00000
GLY 554LECTopics: Planetary Geosciences-Geology Of Venus00000
GLY 577LECAdv Physical Volcanology00000
GLY 550LLBGeodynamics00000
GLY 548SEMQuaternary Geology Sem00000
GLY 547LLBGlaciology00000
GLY 538LECAdvanced Stratigraphy00000
GLY 531LECVolcanology00000
GLY 529LECAnalysis Of Geol Data 100000
GLY 527LLBStats&modeling Geol Data00000
GLY 519LLBEnvironmental Geophysics00000
GLY 700TUTThesis Guidance00000
GLY 514LLBHydrogeology00000
GLY 303LECGeological Communication00000
GLY 206LECGeological Communication00000
GLY 205LLBEarth Materials00000
GLY 199SEMUb Seminar-Mass Extinctions00000
GLY 105LABNatural Hazds & Climate Change00000
GLY 103LECGeology For Engineers00000
GLY 102LECClimate Change00000
GLY 309LECEcology00000
GLY 633TUTGraduate Research00000
GLY 609LECHigh Perform Computing 100000
GLY 606LECSpec Topics-Contaminant Hydrogeology00000
GLY 600SEMSpecial Topics-Numerical Simulation00000
GLY 597SEMGeohaz Volc & Geodynamics Sem00000
GLY 595SEMEnvironmental Geosciences Sem00000
GLY 580LECTectonics & Appalachians00000
GLY 579LECCarbon Reduction Challenge00000