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UB Course Reviews

University at Buffalo

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HIS 301DISHistorical Writing55551
HIS 370LECModern Korean History00000
HIS 354LECAmer Transiton 1877-190100000
HIS 360LECSoc Hist Of Sport & Rec00000
HIS 362LECAmerican Cultural Hist 200000
HIS 366LECHistory Of Lgbtq America00000
HIS 367SEMGender And Sexuality In Africa00000
HIS 367LECFood In Asia00000
HIS 368LECMod Japanese History00000
HIS 369LECKorean History Up To 180000000
HIS 346LEC19c Europe00000
HIS 374LECHis. Of Christianity In Asia00000
HIS 376LECAfrican-Amer His To 187700000
HIS 378LECNazi Germany 1933-194500000
HIS 379LECAfrican Amer 1877 To Pres00000
HIS 385LECSpecial Topics-Korean War00000
HIS 386LECGreat Depress & New Deal00000
HIS 391LECChina And The World00000
HIS 392LECChinese Medicine In The World00000
HIS 393LECMedieval Civilization I00000
HIS 299LECHolocaust: Hist, Culture, Mem.00000
HIS 199SEMUb Seminar-Race & Gender In Another Amer.00000
HIS 209LECThe American Civil War00000
HIS 215LECDeath In America00000
HIS 217LECCivil Rights In America00000
HIS 235LECAmer Jewish Experience00000
HIS 239LECSpecial Topics-American Business History00000
HIS 244LECAmerican Business History00000
HIS 273LECFashion: Art And Practice00000
HIS 293LRThe Second World War00000
HIS 395LECSpecial Topics-Women Of Early Modern England00000
HIS 298LECThe Second World War00000
HIS 302LECLatin Amer Colonial His00000
HIS 308LECSpecial Topics-Gaming History00000
HIS 318LECHistory Of Ireland00000
HIS 327LECThe City In American History00000
HIS 329LECUs History Since 194500000
HIS 336LECHistory Of The Old South00000
HIS 341LECSoc Hist Of Women In Us00000
HIS 566SEMA History Of Madness00000
HIS 501SEMHistorical Inquiry00000
HIS 503SEMAmer Hist Core Sem 200000
HIS 505SEMModern Europe Core00000
HIS 507SEMAsian Core00000
HIS 526SEMRole Of City In Amer Hist00000
HIS 544SEMHistory Of The Body00000
HIS 549SEMTopics-Rdgs Russian And Eastern Euro00000
HIS 551SEMIntellectual In America00000
HIS 559SEMColon Latin America Core00000
HIS 498TUTUndergraduate Research00000
HIS 572SEMLatin American Studies00000
HIS 577SEMDisability History I00000
HIS 599SEMDepartmental Colloquia00000
HIS 606SEMResearch Transnationalism00000
HIS 608TUTResearch Project (ds)00000
HIS 612TUTAdvanced Research00000
HIS 680SEMSpecial Topics-Health Med Disability & Body00000
HIS 701SEMProseminar On History Teaching00000
HIS 431SEMMyth And History00000
HIS 702SEMHistory Careers00000
HIS 400SEMVarieties Of Fascism00000
HIS 401SEMAlcohol & Drug In Us00000
HIS 403SEMSpecial Topics-Cold War Latin America00000
HIS 406SEMWar & American Memory00000
HIS 418SEMComp. Slavery: Afr./am./carib.00000
HIS 420SEMSpecial Topics-Monuments, Markers, & Memory00000
HIS 423SEMProb Mod European00000
HIS 426SEMSpecial Topics-Stalinism00000
HIS 394LECMedieval Civilization Ii00000
HIS 439SEMGender And The Cold War00000
HIS 447SEMHealth And Illness In American00000
HIS 452SEMTopics In Colonial Am-Amer Revlutn Era Topics00000
HIS 460SEMSpecial Topics-The New Europe, 1945-202000000
HIS 473SEMTech In Am Soc & Culture00000
HIS 485SEMTwentieth-Cent China Politics00000
HIS 492SEMPoisons, Drugs, And Panaceas00000
HIS 497TUTHonors Thesis 200000
HIS 314LECAfrica: Global/imperialism00000
HIS 243LECA History Of Eugenics00000
HIS 249LECSoc Hist Of Sport & Rec00000
HIS 252LECPower & Challenges In Euro His00000
HIS 274LECBodies At War00000
HIS 293LECThe Second World War00000
HIS 294LECHolocaust: Hist, Culture, Mem.00000
HIS 300LECAge Of Exploration00000
HIS 306LECSpecial Topics00000
HIS 307LECHistory Of Paris00000
HIS 242LECUs Disability History00000
HIS 316LECEarly Mod Europe00000
HIS 317LECHist Of Early Mod Britain00000
HIS 321LECVictorian Hist 1832-190100000
HIS 322LECLatin Amer:Cult & History00000
HIS 326LECAncien Regime00000
HIS 328LECHistory Of Brazil00000
HIS 331LECSpecial Topics-Drugs & Global Capitalism00000
HIS 337LECIntel Hist Of Europe00000
HIS 182LECAsian Civilization 200000
HIS 141LRHuman Origins Of Global Soc00000
HIS 142LRWorld History Since 150000000
HIS 143LRGlobal Inequality And Power00000
HIS 144LRIntro To Health, Med, & Soci00000
HIS 161LRUs History 100000
HIS 162LRUs History 200000
HIS 181LRAsian Civilization 100000
HIS 181LECAsian Civilization 100000
HIS 182LRAsian Civilization 200000
HIS 345LECUs Disability History00000
HIS 202LECRoman Civilization00000
HIS 203LECGreek Civilization00000
HIS 213LECAfrica: Global/imperialism00000
HIS 216LECCrime & Punishment In Am00000
HIS 229LECMedieval Judaism00000
HIS 237LECHistory Of Israel & Zionism00000
HIS 240LECU.s Alcohol And Drug History00000
HIS 241LECSexuality In America00000
HIS 564SEMImperialism And Decol00000
HIS 497SEMHonors Thesis 100000
HIS 499TUTIndependent Study00000
HIS 502SEMAmer Hist Core Sem 100000
HIS 504SEMEarly Mod Europe Core00000
HIS 506SEMN. And S. Atlantic Core00000
HIS 531SEMCivil War & Reconstruction00000
HIS 545SEMSpecial Topics-Comp. Slavery: Afr./am./carib.00000
HIS 550SEMTopics-Film In History00000
HIS 552TUTAdvanced Reading00000
HIS 496TUTPublic History Internship00000
HIS 568SEMWomen, Illness, Health00000
HIS 575SEMProblems In French History00000
HIS 598TUTProject For Ma Students00000
HIS 600TUTGeneral Exam Readings00000
HIS 607SEMResearch On Race00000
HIS 609TUTPublic History Internship00000
HIS 635SEMSpecial Topics-Spatial Methodology & History00000
HIS 700TUTThesis Guidance00000
HIS 429SEMHist Of The Am Landscape00000
HIS 351LECColonial America To 176300000
HIS 356LECSoc Hist Women 1875-Pres00000
HIS 359LECReformation00000
HIS 409SEMVoyages Of Discovery00000
HIS 415SEMTopics In Renaiss His-Race And Gender00000
HIS 419SEMSpecial Topics-Sexual & Reproductive Health00000
HIS 421SEMTopics In Brit His00000
HIS 424SEMTopics In Am Social His00000
HIS 141LECWorld History To 150000000
HIS 433SEMLatin American Native Peoples00000
HIS 438SEMEurope Intel History00000
HIS 446SEMTopics In Diplomatic His-Human Rights & Humanitarianism00000
HIS 450SEMProblems:20c Us History00000
HIS 459SEMSpecial Topics00000
HIS 472SEMTopics In His Of Science00000
HIS 482SEMProb Japanese Hist00000
HIS 491SEMUs 1920s & 1930s (res)00000