BUSI 112
Canadian Real Property Law and Real Estate Ethics
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Prof: ? / Summer 2024
Jun 19, 2024
I have already done an undergrad and have a Honors Degree. This course has to be one of the worst I've ever taken (so far) in my post secondary education career. I know its basically teach yourself while taking it remote. However, the textbook is terrible. It does not do a good job of explaining the content, uses legal jargon constantly, introduces concepts without explanation or definition of terms, uses terms constants after stating "we will revisit this later" but then assumes you have knowledge of said term. It also introduces terms then uses other words for them which it has not introduces and expects you to know they are synonymous. Overall I have found this course terrible with little available support. The textbook need to be reworked in my opinion to be more friendly to those wh...read more
I have no idea who the pro is, what they are like or if they offer any type of support for this class.
It is much more dense than I had anticipated. Be ready to read, re-read and re-read again just to be confused on terms still. Maybe that's just me thought.
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