CPSC 319
Software Engineering Project
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Prof: Jerry / Spring 2024
Jan 3, 2025
It is an interesting course. You work more or less independently the entire term and then present the final project before the exam period starts. There are no quizzes or exams, but assignments due every other week and a final project submission (the program you build). You work in teams of 6 to 9 people building a system that a sponsor in my case AWS asks you to build. However, unlike 310 requirements are not set in stone and you have to figure them out yourself by communicating with your TA and sponsor. I particularly liked that I was done with this course before the exam period started, being able to focus on my other courses during that time. However, it is difficult to motivate yourself and your team to constantly work on the project or else it is extremely difficult to catch up and g...read more
It was very useful in terms of learning how to use lambda functions, lots of AWS frameworks and building a system from scratch. I also learned how to work in a group better and what kind of coworkers I appreciate or not. The closest you can get to an internship experience without being in one.
He wasn't really good in setting the expectations and the slides during the lectures felt a bit outdated. No talk about generative AI tools, even though its supposed to mimic real world scenarios where people are widely using the tools. I was missing more involvement from the prof. Our main point of contact were the TAs who seemed to have done most of the heavily lifting.
Be prepared for the sponsor meetings, those are limited but extremely valuable. Make sure you communicate well with your TA as the lectures don't help much with the projects. Have fun trying out new technologies and frameworks.
Class Ratings
Professor Rating
Prof: Jerry / Spring 2023
Oct 16, 2024
The course itself is heavily depend on your team you work with all term long. Everyone ends up having more or less the same grade, so having a team that works well together it key. I would say workload is on the heavier side but it evens it out by not having any quizzes or exams, assignments and project grades only.
I enjoyed playing around with new technologies that I would otherwise haven't had exposure to e.g. AWS AI Bot, as our sponsor gave us a very generous budget to try out new technologies. The assignments are annoying and can feel like a lot, but if you attend the TA session they'll explain very detailed what the teaching team expects.
Not much interaction with the instructor, besides lecture attendance. You have 1 or 2 TAs assigned to your team, and interact mainly with them.
Have clear communication rules within the team. Approach TAs earlier with issues. Requirements may change throughout the term and you have to figure out the requirements yourself to mirror 'real-world' environment.
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