MATH 307
Applied Linear Algebra
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Prof: Yaniv Plan / Winter 2025
Feb 13, 2025
307 is a lot based on Math 221, with some additional concepts. In my term, we had notes for all 3 sections, which gave us lots of ways to learn the material. The python assignment is quite trivial and in my opinion, but more focus should be put here as it should be an applied linear algebra course, not a theoretic course. Most of the actual practice comes from doing the practice midterms. The notes have sufficient example problems, but not enough to get an 80.
We got lots of notes. The annotated notes got put onto canvas for all the sections.
This is a decent class. Make sure you did well in Math 221 or the equivalent before coming to this class.
Class Ratings
Prof: Eric Cytrynbaum / Winter 2020
Jan 11, 2021
Great prof, interesting material, a little light on practice problems.
Go to office hours and really review the homework for the exams.
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