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PHYS 119

Experimental Physics Lab

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3OK Class
3Kinda Interesting
5Very Useful

Professor Rating

4Good Prof

Prof: Ke , Zou / Winter 2023

Dec 31, 2023

Comments on the course

Not bad , easy to pass but difficult for getting A . There are 3 hours for each lab session but its not enough most of the time . NO exams or midterms . But there are 2 quizzes with takes less than 15 minutes . Prelabs are quite useful , but no feedback will be given so you wont know whether you have done it correct or not .

Course Content

There are prelabs most of the weeks and the deadline is before the lab session . We have to complete a lab notebook each lab sessions by using jupyter notebook . Most of them are graded with a rubric and some are for participation only .( They will still give out actual grade on canvas but you will be marked as full mark at last as long as you received more than one mark .) . They will choose to grade either yours or your partner's notebook each time . Most content will be uploaded on canvas before hand .

Comments on the professor

Good prof


Complete those prelabs on time , it gives you insights of the tools and skills that are useful for the labs . Take a look of the grading rubric , presentation slides and lab instructions before class , and make sure you lab notebook includes all required content , you may copy and paste the grading rubric into the lab notebook before lab . By doing preparation before class can save you lots of time and you will be less stressed about time in class .3 hours are not sufficient for completing the course content actually .

Delivery: In personGrade: A-Workload: HeavyTextbook Use: No
Assignment Heavy

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