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UBC Course Reviews

University of British Columbia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANTH 378Anthropology of Media4.22.854.34
ANTH 351AEthnography of the Pacific Islands: Melanesia - ETHNO: MELANESIA33331
ANTH 203Anthropology of Drugs33331
ANTH 304AEthnography of the Northwest Coast - ETHNOG NW COAST2.72331
ANTH 206Witches, Vampires, and Zombies: Anthropology of the Supernatural25311
ANTH 210Eating Culture22211
ANTH 330Anthropology of Rural Peoples and the Global Economy00000
ANTH 649Doctoral Dissertation00000
ANTH 307AEthnography of Korea - ETHNGRPHY KOREA00000
ANTH 303CEthnography of Special Areas - ETHNO SPEC AREAS00000
ANTH 301Ethnography of Eurasia00000
ANTH 300BContemporary Anthropological Theory - CONTMP ANTH THRY00000
ANTH 241Introduction to Museums and Museology00000
ANTH 202BContemporary Social Problems - ANTH CON SOC PRB00000
ANTH 540CAdvanced Seminar - ADVANCED SEMINAR00000
ANTH 519Seminar in Medical Anthropology00000
ANTH 517Archaeological Methods00000
ANTH 502OAdvanced Ethnography of a Special Area - ETHN CRMPLR NRTH00000
ANTH 495CAdvanced Studies in Anthropology - ADV STUDIES ANTH00000
ANTH 220First Nations of British Columbia00000
ANTH 201Ethnic Relations00000
ANTH 518AMuseum Methods - MUSEUM METHODS00000
ANTH 303DEthnography of Special Areas - ETHNO SPEC AREAS00000
ANTH 201AEthnic Relations - ETHNIC RELATIONS00000
ANTH 478AEthnographic Film Methods - ETHNO FILM METHD00000
ANTH 451Conservation of Organic Materials00000
ANTH 435The Japanese Tea Ceremony: Ethnography of Performance, Pract...00000
ANTH 421AThe Anthropology of Place and Space - ANTH PLACE&SPACE00000
ANTH 409ATopics in Applied Anthropology - TPS APPLIED ANTH00000
ANTH 404Ethnography in Circumpolar North: Comparative Perspectives.00000
ANTH 308Ethnography of Sub-Saharan Africa00000
ANTH 400BHistory of Anthropology - HISTORY OF ANTH00000
ANTH 302AEthnography of South Asia - ETHNOGR STH ASIA00000
ANTH 205The Anthropology of Insurrections and Revolution00000
ANTH 549BMaster's Thesis - MASTERS THESIS00000
ANTH 512BLanguage and Culture - LANG & CULTURE00000
ANTH 495BAdvanced Studies in Anthropology - ADV STUDIES00000
ANTH 461Anthropological Study of Local Ecological Knowledge00000
ANTH 428Medicine, Technology, Culture, and Society00000
ANTH 417BLanguage, Culture, and Cognition - LANG,CULT&COGNTN00000
ANTH 495AAdvanced Studies in Anthropology - ADV STUDIES00000
ANTH 341AMuseums, Heritage and Memory - MUSE HERITG MEM00000
ANTH 317ALinguistic Anthropology - LINGUISTIC ANTH00000
ANTH 227Introduction to Medical Anthropology00000
ANTH 213Sex, Gender, and Culture00000
ANTH 100AIntroduction to Cultural Anthropology - INTRO CULT ANTH00000
ANTH 549AMaster's Thesis - MASTERS THESIS00000
ANTH 545BGraduate Research Seminar - GRAD RSRCH SEM00000
ANTH 516Qualitative Methods in Anthropology00000
ANTH 400AHistory of Anthropology - HISTORY OF ANTH00000
ANTH 431CMuseum Practice and Curatorship - MUS PRC&CURATRSH00000
ANTH 418Anthropological Statistics00000
ANTH 360Introduction to Ecological Anthropology00000
ANTH 332Oral Tradition00000
ANTH 315Japanese Culture and Society00000
ANTH 303AEthnography of Special Areas - ETHNO SPEC AREAS00000
ANTH 217Culture and Communication00000
ANTH 545EGraduate Research Seminar - GRAD RSRCH SEM00000
ANTH 427Topics in Medical Anthropology00000
ANTH 449AHonours Tutorial - HONOURS TUTORIAL00000
ANTH 500History of Anthropological Thought00000
ANTH 540AAdvanced Seminar - SACRED GEOGRPHY00000
ANTH 545AGraduate Research Seminar - GRAD RSRCH SEM00000
ANTH 202AContemporary Social Problems - ANTH CON SOC PRB00000
ANTH 215Japanese Popular Culture00000
ANTH 300AContemporary Anthropological Theory - CONTMP ANTH THRY00000
ANTH 312Anthropology of Gender00000
ANTH 331AArt, Aesthetics and Anthropology - ART&ANTHROPOLOGY00000
ANTH 407Principles of Field Work00000
ANTH 433ADirected Studies - DIRECTED STUDIES00000
ANTH 471Anthropology of Law00000
ANTH 506ACurrent Research in Anthropology - CURRENT RES ANTH00000
ANTH 540BAdvanced Seminar - ADVANCED SEMINAR00000