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UBC Course Reviews

University of British Columbia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIOC 303Molecular Biochemistry2.
BIOC 410Nucleic Acids-Structure and Function1.91.5222
BIOC 301Biochemistry Laboratory4.74551
BIOC 304Contemporary Biochemical Research4.33551
BIOC 302General Biochemistry32421
BIOC 551Advanced Topics in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology00000
BIOC 560Computational Approaches in Biochemistry00000
BIOC 399Internship Work Placement II00000
BIOC 404Biochemical Methods00000
BIOC 420Advanced Biochemical Techniques00000
BIOC 448ADirected Studies in Biochemistry - DIRECTED STUDIES00000
BIOC 449BHonours Thesis - HONOURS THESIS00000
BIOC 450Membrane Biochemistry00000
BIOC 498Internship Work Placement III00000
BIOC 548BDirected Studies - DIRECTED STUDIES00000
BIOC 548DDirected Studies - DIRECTED STUDIES00000
BIOC 558Advanced Topics in Protein Chemistry I00000
BIOC 649Doctoral Dissertation00000
BIOC 511Biochemical Aspects of Cellular Regulation00000
BIOC 552Membrane Proteins00000
BIOC 555Epigenetics00000
BIOC 514Advanced Topics in Protein Chemistry00000
BIOC 554Nucleic Acids: DNA/RNA Structure and Function00000
BIOC 501CAdvanced Biochemistry Laboratory - ADV BIOC LAB00000
BIOC 553Advanced Topics in Lipid Biology00000
BIOC 398Internship Work Placement I00000
BIOC 402Proteins: Structure and Function00000
BIOC 440Concepts in Molecular Biology00000
BIOC 448BDirected Studies in Biochemistry - DIRECTED STUDIES00000
BIOC 449CHonours Thesis - HONOURS THESIS00000
BIOC 470Biochemistry and Society: Current Issues00000
BIOC 501AAdvanced Biochemistry Laboratory - ADV BIOC LAB00000
BIOC 548ADirected Studies - DIRECTED STUDIES00000
BIOC 557Advanced Topics in Biochemistry00000
BIOC 559Advanced Topics in Protein Chemistry II00000
BIOC 203Fundamentals of Biochemistry00000
BIOC 202Introductory Medical Biochemistry00000
BIOC 403Enzymology00000
BIOC 421Recombinant DNA Techniques00000
BIOC 449AHonours Thesis - HONOURS THESIS00000
BIOC 460Advanced Techniques in Biochemistry00000
BIOC 499Internship Work Placement IV00000
BIOC 530Seminar in Biochemistry00000
BIOC 548CDirected Studies - DIRECTED STUDIES00000
BIOC 549M.Sc. Thesis00000
BIOC 556Biochemical Aspects of Cellular Regulation00000