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UBC Course Reviews

University of British Columbia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
EDCP 562Curriculum Issues and Theories53551
EDCP 340Mathematics - Elementary and Middle Years: Curriculum and Pedagogy00000
EDCP 526BTheory and Principles of Music Education - THEOR&PRINC MUED00000
EDCP 508AReview of Research in Curriculum and Pedagogy - REV RES CURR&PED00000
EDCP 491Home Economics II - Secondary: Curriculum and Pedagogy00000
EDCP 472Business Practices in Education00000
EDCP 468EDirected Study in Curriculum and Pedagogy - DIR STUDIES00000
EDCP 467JSpecial Topics in Curriculum and Pedagogy - SP TPCS C&P00000
EDCP 432Special Study in Social Studies: Geography00000
EDCP 409Art Education Theory and Research00000
EDCP 377Design and Technology II - Secondary: Curriculum and Pedagogy00000
EDCP 362DCurriculum Design and Evaluation: Practical and Theoretical Issues - CURR DES & EVAL00000
EDCP 356Earth and Space Science - Secondary: Curriculum and Pedagogy00000
EDCP 354Biological Sciences - Secondary: Curriculum and Pedagogy00000
EDCP 349Science - Elementary: Curriculum and Pedagogy00000
EDCP 555Critical Analysis of Curriculum in Science Education00000
EDCP 332ASocial Studies - Secondary: Curriculum and Pedagogy - SOC STD SEC C&P00000
EDCP 323Outdoor Environmental Education: Curriculum and Pedagogy00000
EDCP 320Physical Education - Elementary: Curriculum and Pedagogy00000
EDCP 311AMusic - Secondary: Curriculum and Pedagogy - MUS SEC CRC&PED00000
EDCP 305Digital Media in Arts Education: Introduction00000
EDCP 301Art - Elementary: Curriculum and Pedagogy00000
EDCP 699Doctoral Dissertation00000
EDCP 598CField Experiences - FIELD EXPERIENCE00000
EDCP 590Graduating Paper00000
EDCP 580DProblems in Education - PROB IN EDUC00000
EDCP 570Seminar in the Teaching of Information and Communication Technologies00000
EDCP 565Teaching in Museums00000
EDCP 552Mathematics Education: Early Years00000
EDCP 580CProblems in Education - PROB IN EDUC00000
EDCP 551Mathematics Education: Current Issues00000
EDCP 524Technology, Virtual Worlds, and Digital Visual Culture in Ar...00000
EDCP 512AEducation Action Research - EDUC ACT RESEAR00000
EDCP 505Review of Research in Music Education: Theory and Practice00000
EDCP 420N/A00000
EDCP 568Curricula in their Historical Context00000
EDCP 545Educational Programming in Museums00000
EDCP 538Theory and Research in Environmental Education00000
EDCP 520Perspectives, Practice, and Curriculum Issues in Contemporar...00000
EDCP 508Review of Research in Curriculum and Pedagogy00000
EDCP 452Science, Technology, and Society00000
EDCP 585DSpecial Course in Curriculum and Pedagogy - SPECIAL CURR&PED00000
EDCP 542Theorizing Pedagogy00000
EDCP 539Narrativity, Ecopedagogy and Indigeneity00000
EDCP 526ATheory and Principles of Music Education - THEOR&PRINC MUED00000
EDCP 510Video Ethnography in Education Research: Culture, Technology...00000
EDCP 467BSpecial Topics in Curriculum and Pedagogy - SP TPCS C&P00000
EDCP 343Mathematics Education: Problem Solving00000
EDCP 599CMaster's Thesis - MASTER'S THESIS00000
EDCP 585CSpecial Course in Curriculum and Pedagogy - SPECIAL CURR&PED00000
EDCP 580BProblems in Education - PROB IN EDUC00000
EDCP 566Curriculum Change, Planning, and Implementation00000
EDCP 564Texts, Politics, and Ideologies of Curriculum Development00000
EDCP 558Science Learning in Informal Environments00000
EDCP 556Theory and Research in the Social Context of School Science00000
EDCP 580AProblems in Education - PROB IN EDUC00000
EDCP 513Case-Study Research and Cross-Case Analysis00000
EDCP 498Curriculum Inquiry in Home Economics Education00000
EDCP 471BTechnological Practices in Education: Technical Problems - TECHNICAL PROB00000
EDCP 467ASpecial Topics in Curriculum and Pedagogy - SP TPCS C&P00000
EDCP 391AHome Economics I - Secondary: Curriculum and Pedagogy - HMEC I SEC C&P00000
EDCP 373AInformation and Communication Technologies I - Secondary: Curriculum and Pedagogy - ICT I SEC C&P00000
EDCP 357Physics - Secondary: Curriculum and Pedagogy00000
EDCP 327ASpecial Topics in Health Education - TPCS HEALTH ED00000
EDCP 312AInstrumental Pedagogy: Secondary - INSTRUM PEDGY00000
EDCP 303Ceramic Design and Pedagogical Approaches: Art Education00000
EDCP 602ADoctoral Seminar in Curriculum and Pedagogy: Conceptualizing Research - CNCPT RESRCH SEM00000
EDCP 598BField Experiences - FIELD EXPERIENCE00000
EDCP 585BSpecial Course in Curriculum and Pedagogy - SPECIAL CURR&PED00000
EDCP 571History of Media and Technology in Education00000
EDCP 569Schooling in Comparative Perspective: North American and International Interpretations00000
EDCP 557Issues in the Teaching and Learning of the Sciences00000
EDCP 550Mathematics Education: Origins and Issues00000
EDCP 514Arts-Based Educational Research: A/r/tography00000
EDCP 504AReview of Research in Art Education: Theory and Practice - REV RES ART EDUC00000
EDCP 492Special Study in Home Economics: Textile Studies00000
EDCP 471ETechnological Practices in Education: Technical Problems - TECHNICAL PROB00000
EDCP 468CDirected Study in Curriculum and Pedagogy - DIR STUDIES00000
EDCP 441BAssessment in Mathematics Education - ASSMNT MATH EDUC00000
EDCP 408Art, Education and Cultural Diversity00000
EDCP 375ABusiness Education I - Secondary: Curriculum and Pedagogy - BUS ED I SEC C&P00000
EDCP 306Digital Media in Arts Education: Advanced00000
EDCP 355AChemistry - Secondary: Curriculum and Pedagogy - CHEM SEC C&P00000
EDCP 302AArt - Secondary: Curriculum and Pedagogy - ART SEC CRC&PED00000
EDCP 553Mathematics Education: Beyond the Early Years00000
EDCP 537Foundations of Home Economics Education00000
EDCP 508BReview of Research in Curriculum and Pedagogy - REV RES CURR&PED00000
EDCP 501Master's Seminar00000
EDCP 474Digital Media in ICT Education: Design and Pedagogy00000
EDCP 471ATechnological Practices in Education: Technical Problems - TECHNICAL PROB00000
EDCP 468ADirected Study in Curriculum and Pedagogy - DIR STUDIES00000
EDCP 442Mathematics History for Teachers00000
EDCP 410Music and Movement - Elementary: Curriculum and Pedagogy00000
EDCP 378Business Education II - Secondary: Curriculum and Pedagogy00000
EDCP 374ADesign and Technology I - Secondary: Curriculum and Pedagogy - DSGN TEC I C&P00000
EDCP 362BCurriculum Design and Evaluation: Practical and Theoretical Issues - CURR DES & EVAL00000
EDCP 559Research in the Teaching and Learning of the Sciences00000
EDCP 352AGeneral Science - Secondary: Curriculum and Pedagogy - GEN SCI SEC C&P00000
EDCP 342AMathematics - Secondary: Curriculum and Pedagogy - MATH SEC C&P00000
EDCP 333Contemporary Issues in Social Studies: Secondary00000
EDCP 331Social Studies - Elementary: Curriculum and Pedagogy00000
EDCP 322APhysical Education - Secondary: Curriculum and Pedagogy - PHYS ED SEC C&P00000
EDCP 313AChoral Pedagogy: Secondary - CHORAL PDY: SEC00000
EDCP 308Music - Elementary: Curriculum and Pedagogy00000
EDCP 304Textile Design and Pedagogical Approaches: Art Education00000
EDCP 210Introduction to Music Education00000
EDCP 601ADoctoral Seminar in Curriculum and Pedagogy: History and Theory - HIST & THRY SEM00000
EDCP 598AField Experiences - FIELD EXPERIENCE00000
EDCP 585ASpecial Course in Curriculum and Pedagogy - SPECIAL CURR&PED00000