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UBC Course Reviews

University of British Columbia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
KORN 301Readings in Korean Topics I54551
KORN 302Readings in Korean Topics II54551
KORN 102Basic Korean00000
KORN 201Intermediate Korean I00000
KORN 410BModern Korean Short Fiction - MOD KORN SHRT FC00000
KORN 420Readings in Middle and Early Modern Korean00000
KORN 200Intermediate Korean00000
KORN 410AModern Korean Short Fiction - MOD KORN SHRT FC00000
KORN 440BSupervised Study in the Korean Language - SPRV STDY KORN00000
KORN 440ASupervised Study in the Korean Language - SPRV STDY KORN00000
KORN 351BIntroduction to Sino-Korean Readings - INTRO SINO KORN200000
KORN 415BKorean Conversation and Composition - KORN CONV & COMP00000
KORN 351AIntroduction to Sino-Korean Readings - INTRO SINO KORN100000
KORN 415AKorean Conversation and Composition - KORN CONV & COMP00000