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UBC Course Reviews

University of British Columbia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
PHIL 220Symbolic Logic3.
PHIL 211Greek Philosophy I: Socrates and Plato4.23.5544
PHIL 240Introduction to Epistemology4.33.554.52
PHIL 347APhilosophy of Religion - PHIL OF RELIGION534.54.52
PHIL 385Existentialism4.33551
PHIL 416Topics in 19th-Century Philosophy4.33551
PHIL 100Introduction to Philosophy43541
PHIL 331Business and Professional Ethics35131
PHIL 101Introduction to Philosophy3.72541
PHIL 338Philosophy of Law43441
PHIL 432Topics in Ethical Theory53551
PHIL 375Philosophy and Literature43441
PHIL 351Philosophical Perspectives on Cognitive Systems Research43421
PHIL 314Philosophy in the 17th Century33221
PHIL 230Introduction to Ethics13211
PHIL 125Introduction to Scientific Reasoning54551
PHIL 332Environmental Ethics33221
PHIL 250Minds and Machines53541
PHIL 340Introduction to Metaphysics53551
PHIL 410ATopics in Ancient Philosophy - TOP:ANCIENT PHIL00000
PHIL 326APhilosophy of Language I - PHIL LANGUAGE 100000
PHIL 320ALogic: Metatheory and Computability - META AND COMP00000
PHIL 314APhilosophy in the 17th Century - PHIL 17TH CENT00000
PHIL 310AThe Philosophy of Plato - PHILOSOPHY PLATO00000
PHIL 230AIntroduction to Ethics - INTRO TO ETHICS00000
PHIL 211AGreek Philosophy I: Socrates and Plato - GREEK PHIL I00000
PHIL 561ATopics in Science and Technology Studies - TOPICS IN STS00000
PHIL 518ATwentieth-Century Philosophy - 20TH CENT PHIL00000
PHIL 488Directed Reading00000
PHIL 455ATopics in the Philosophy of Cognitive Science - TPC COGNITIV...00000
PHIL 450ATopics in Metaphysics - TOP IN METAPHYS00000
PHIL 235Contemporary Moral Issues00000
PHIL 431ATopics in Social and Political Philosophy - TOP S & P PHIL00000
PHIL 416ATopics in 19th-Century Philosophy - TOPICS: 19C PHIL00000
PHIL 331ABusiness and Professional Ethics - BUS & PROF ETHIC00000
PHIL 375APhilosophy and Literature - PHILOSOPHY & LIT00000
PHIL 310The Philosophy of Plato00000
PHIL 338APhilosophy of Law - PHIL OF LAW00000
PHIL 333ABio-Medical Ethics - BIOMEDICAL ETHIC00000
PHIL 332AEnvironmental Ethics - ENVIROMNTL ETHIC00000
PHIL 323ANon-Classical Logics - NON-CLASS LOGICS00000
PHIL 321AInduction, Decision and Game Theory - INDUCTION & DECN00000
PHIL 315APhilosophy in the 18th Century - PHIL 18TH CENT00000
PHIL 240AIntroduction to Epistemology - INTRO TO EPISTOM00000
PHIL 220ASymbolic Logic - SYMBOLIC LOGIC00000
PHIL 585Directed Reading00000
PHIL 551BPhilosophy of Mind - PHIL OF MIND00000
PHIL 540AEpistemology - EPISTEMOLOGY00000
PHIL 311AThe Philosophy of Aristotle - PHILOSOPHY ARIST00000
PHIL 532AEthical Theory and Practice - ETHIC THRY&PRAC00000
PHIL 491ASeminar for Majors in Philosophy - SEM PHIL MAJORS00000
PHIL 469Topics in Philosophy of Science00000
PHIL 451APhilosophy of Mind - PHIL OF MIND00000
PHIL 441APhilosophy of Perception - PHIL OF PERCEPT00000
PHIL 426Topics in Philosophy of Language00000
PHIL 385AExistentialism - EXISTENTIALISM00000
PHIL 371Foundations of Chinese Thought00000
PHIL 360AIntroduction to History and Philosophy of Science - INTR HIS...00000
PHIL 340AIntroduction to Metaphysics - INTRO TO METPHYS00000
PHIL 335APower and Oppression - POWER & OPPRESSI00000
PHIL 330ASocial and Political Philosophy - SOCL POL PHIL00000
PHIL 322AModal Logic - MODAL LOGIC00000
PHIL 316APhilosophy After 1800 - PHIL AFTER 180000000
PHIL 490Honours Tutorial00000
PHIL 235AContemporary Moral Issues - CONTEMP MORAL IS00000
PHIL 212AGreek Philosophy II: Aristotle and After - GREEK PHIL II00000
PHIL 581AProblems - PROBLEMS00000
PHIL 531APolitical Philosophy - POLITICAL PHIL00000
PHIL 516AN/A00000
PHIL 486ADirected Reading - DIRECTED READING00000
PHIL 448ATopics in Continental Philosophy - CONTINENTAL PHIL00000
PHIL 432ATopics in Ethical Theory - TOP ETH THEORY00000
PHIL 418ATopics in Twentieth-Century Philosophy - 20TH CENT PHIL00000
PHIL 415AThe Philosophy of Immanuel Kant - PHLSPHY I. KANT00000
PHIL 378Philosophical Wisdom of Early India00000
PHIL 369Philosophy of Science00000
PHIL 339APhilosophy of Art - PHIL OF ART00000
PHIL 334ASex, Gender and Philosophy - SEX GEND PHILOS00000
PHIL 470Comparative Conceptions of the Self00000
PHIL 339Philosophy of Art00000
PHIL 334Sex, Gender and Philosophy00000
PHIL 330Social and Political Philosophy00000
PHIL 321Induction, Decision and Game Theory00000
PHIL 530AMoral Philosophy - MORAL PHILOSOPHY00000
PHIL 260Science and Society in the Contemporary World00000
PHIL 560APhilosophy of Science - PHIL OF SCIENCE00000
PHIL 699Doctoral Dissertation00000
PHIL 102Introduction to Philosophy II00000
PHIL 551CPhilosophy of Mind - PHIL OF MIND00000
PHIL 551APhilosophy of Mind - PHIL OF MIND00000
PHIL 514AEarly Modern Philosophy - ERLY MODERN PHIL00000
PHIL 491Seminar for Majors in Philosophy00000
PHIL 487Directed Reading00000
PHIL 388Buddhist, Brahmanical and Jain Philosophers in Interaction.00000
PHIL 455Topics in the Philosophy of Cognitive Science00000
PHIL 448Topics in Continental Philosophy00000
PHIL 440Topics in Epistemology00000
PHIL 418Topics in Twentieth-Century Philosophy00000
PHIL 390Honours Tutorial00000
PHIL 369BPhilosophy of Science - PHIL OF SCIENCE00000
PHIL 362History and Philosophy of Economics from Aristotle to Adam Smith00000
PHIL 347Philosophy of Religion00000
PHIL 337Ethics for the Sciences00000
PHIL 212Greek Philosophy II: Aristotle and After00000
PHIL 323Non-Classical Logics00000
PHIL 316Philosophy After 180000000
PHIL 313Medieval Philosophy00000
PHIL 311The Philosophy of Aristotle00000
PHIL 485Directed Reading00000
PHIL 464Philosophy of Biology00000
PHIL 451Philosophy of Mind00000
PHIL 441Philosophy of Perception00000
PHIL 420ATopics in Symbolic Logic - TOPICS:SYMB LOGI00000
PHIL 315Philosophy in the 18th Century00000
PHIL 414Topics in the History of Modern Philosophy00000
PHIL 322Modal Logic00000
PHIL 363History and Philosophy of Economics from Ricardo to Keynes00000
PHIL 348Introduction to Continental Philosophy00000
PHIL 335Power and Oppression00000
PHIL 333Bio-Medical Ethics00000
PHIL 326Philosophy of Language I00000
PHIL 320Logic: Metatheory and Computability00000
PHIL 525APhilosophy of Language - PHIL OF LANGUAGE00000
PHIL 360Introduction to History and Philosophy of Science00000
PHIL 120Introduction to Critical Thinking00000
PHIL 599MA Thesis00000
PHIL 560BPhilosophy of Science - PHIL OF SCIENCE00000
PHIL 550AMetaphysics - METAPHYSICS00000
PHIL 525BPhilosophy of Language - PHIL OF LANGUAGE00000
PHIL 510AAncient Philosophy - ANCIENT PHILOSPH00000
PHIL 489Directed Reading00000
PHIL 431Topics in Social and Political Philosophy00000
PHIL 419APhilosophy of History - PHIL OF HISTORY00000
PHIL 415The Philosophy of Immanuel Kant00000
PHIL 369APhilosophy of Science - PHIL OF SCIENCE00000
PHIL 364Darwin, Evolution, and Modern History00000