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UBC Course Reviews

University of British Columbia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
THTR 120Introduction to Theatre4.74551
THTR 299BProduction I - PRODUCTION I00000
THTR 440ATopics in Theatre - TOPICS IN THTR00000
THTR 408AAdvanced Study in Design and Scenography - ADV STDY DSGN00000
THTR 399ZProduction II - PRODUCTION II00000
THTR 399PProduction II - PRODUCTION II00000
THTR 399LProduction II - PRODUCTION II00000
THTR 399CProduction II - PRODUCTION II00000
THTR 391CRehearsal and Performance - REHEARS&PERFORM00000
THTR 374Intermediate Voice, Speech, and Movement II00000
THTR 371Intermediate B.F.A. Acting I00000
THTR 340BStudies in Asian Theatre - ST ASIAN THTR00000
THTR 311Studies in Drama00000
THTR 307Lighting Design I00000
THTR 305Scenery Design I00000
THTR 299LProduction I - PRODUCTION I00000
THTR 445Majors and Honours Seminar00000
THTR 273Beginning Voice and Movement I00000
THTR 250Technical Production00000
THTR 210Drama: Forms and Ideas I00000
THTR 205BGraphics for Theatre and Film Design - GRAPHICS: T&F D00000
THTR 150AIntroduction to Technical Production - INTRO TECH PROD00000
THTR 551Lighting Design Studio 100000
THTR 549AMaster's Thesis - MASTERS THESIS00000
THTR 530ASeminar: Relationships Between Theatre and the Other Arts - SEMINAR00000
THTR 507Scenery Design Studio II00000
THTR 499PProduction III - PRODUCTION III00000
THTR 550Studies in Historic Design00000
THTR 547CDirected Studies in Theatre and Drama and Film/Television - DIRECTED STUDIES00000
THTR 508Costume Design Studio II00000
THTR 352Scene Painting I00000
THTR 530CSeminar: Relationships Between Theatre and the Other Arts -...00000
THTR 452Scene Painting II00000
THTR 399IProduction II - PRODUCTION II00000
THTR 317Introduction to Directing00000
THTR 301BStyles of Decor and Dress - DECOR DRESS00000
THTR 556Structural Design for the Stage II00000
THTR 500Bibliography and Research Methods00000
THTR 440DTopics in Theatre - TOPICS IN THTR00000
THTR 420History of Theatre II00000
THTR 356Costume Construction00000
THTR 555Structural Design for the Stage I00000
THTR 469AN/A00000
THTR 440CTopics in Theatre - TOPICS IN THTR00000
THTR 407Lighting Design II00000
THTR 499RProduction III - PRODUCTION III00000
THTR 325AHistory of Canadian Theatre - HIST CANADA THTR00000
THTR 649Doctoral Dissertation00000
THTR 549CMaster's Thesis - MASTERS THESIS00000
THTR 547ADirected Studies in Theatre and Drama and Film/Television - DIRECTED STUDIES00000
THTR 521Styles in Directing00000
THTR 506Costume Design Studio I00000
THTR 499ZProduction III - PRODUCTION III00000
THTR 499MProduction III - PRODUCTION III00000
THTR 499CProduction III - PRODUCTION III00000
THTR 491CAdvanced Rehearsal and Performance - AD REHEARS&PERF00000
THTR 474Advanced Speech and Movement II00000
THTR 471Advanced B.F.A. Acting I00000
THTR 450Scenery Production II00000
THTR 448BDirected Studies in Theatre Theory and Practice - DIR ST THTR THRY00000
THTR 399MProduction II - PRODUCTION II00000
THTR 520Direction and Production00000
THTR 505Scenery Design Studio I00000
THTR 499SProduction III - PRODUCTION III00000
THTR 499LProduction III - PRODUCTION III00000
THTR 499BProduction III - PRODUCTION III00000
THTR 499AProduction III - PRODUCTION III00000
THTR 491AAdvanced Rehearsal and Performance - AD REHEARS&PERF00000
THTR 472Advanced B.F.A. Acting II00000
THTR 449Supervised Study and Honours Essay00000
THTR 448ADirected Studies in Theatre Theory and Practice - DIR ST THTR THRY00000
THTR 440BTopics in Theatre - TOPICS IN THTR00000
THTR 408BAdvanced Study in Design and Scenography - ADV STDY DSGN00000
THTR 405Scenery Design II00000
THTR 399RProduction II - PRODUCTION II00000
THTR 547BDirected Studies in Theatre and Drama and Film/Television - DIRECTED STUDIES00000
THTR 399EProduction II - PRODUCTION II00000
THTR 399AProduction II - PRODUCTION II00000
THTR 391ARehearsal and Performance - REHEARS&PERFORM00000
THTR 372Intermediate B.F.A. Acting II00000
THTR 350Scenery Production I00000
THTR 323History and Theory of Directing00000
THTR 310Theory of Drama Performance00000
THTR 306Costume Design I00000
THTR 299PProduction I - PRODUCTION I00000
THTR 299CProduction I - PRODUCTION I00000
THTR 274Beginning Voice and Movement II00000
THTR 271Beginning B.F.A. Acting I00000
THTR 211Drama: Forms and Ideas II00000
THTR 205CGraphics for Theatre and Film Design - GRAPHICS: T&F D00000
THTR 354Stage Management00000
THTR 499KProduction III - PRODUCTION III00000
THTR 491BAdvanced Rehearsal and Performance - AD REHEARS&PERF00000
THTR 473Advanced Speech and Movement I00000
THTR 456Costume Construction II00000
THTR 448CDirected Studies in Theatre Theory and Practice - DIR ST THTR THRY00000
THTR 443Women in Theatre and Film00000
THTR 410Dramaturgy00000
THTR 406Costume Design II00000
THTR 399SProduction II - PRODUCTION II00000
THTR 399NProduction II - PRODUCTION II00000
THTR 399KProduction II - PRODUCTION II00000
THTR 399BProduction II - PRODUCTION II00000
THTR 391BRehearsal and Performance - REHEARS&PERFORM00000
THTR 373Intermediate Voice, Speech, and Movement I00000
THTR 150BIntroduction to Technical Production - INTRO TECH PROD00000
THTR 325BHistory of Canadian Theatre - HIST CANADA THTR00000
THTR 320History of Theatre I00000
THTR 308Sound Design00000
THTR 299RProduction I - PRODUCTION I00000
THTR 299KProduction I - PRODUCTION I00000
THTR 299AProduction I - PRODUCTION I00000
THTR 272Beginning B.F.A. Acting II00000
THTR 230Performance Study I00000
THTR 205DGraphics for Theatre and Film Design - GRAPHICS: T&F D00000
THTR 205AGraphics for Theatre and Film Design - GRAPHICS: T&F D00000
THTR 130Introduction to Stage Acting00000
THTR 562Studies in Dramatic Theory and Criticism00000
THTR 549BMaster's Thesis - MASTERS THESIS00000