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UC Davis Course Reviews

University of California, Davis

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ABT 015Wood Prop & Fabrication00000
ABT 052Field Equipment Welding00000
ABT 099Special Study00000
ABT 142Eqpt/Tech for Small Farm00000
ABT 163Aquaculture Sys Engr00000
ABT 182Environ GIS Application00000
ABT 197TTutor Appl Biol Sys Tech00000
ABT 233Pest Control Practices00000
ABT 298Group Study00000
ABT 016Metal Prop & Fabrication00000
ABT 060Unmanned Aerial Systems00000
ABT 101Engine Technology00000
ABT 150Intro to GIS00000
ABT 165Irrig for Urban Envir00000
ABT 190CResearch Conference00000
ABT 198Directed Gp Study00000
ABT 289AAgri & Natural Resources00000
ABT 299Research00000
ABT 049Field Eqpt Operation00000
ABT 098Directed Gp Study00000
ABT 110Irrigation/Water Mgmt00000
ABT 161Water Qual Aquaculture00000
ABT 181NConcepts/Methods in GIS00000
ABT 192Intern-Ag Eng Tech00000
ABT 199Special Study00000
ABT 212Zero Net Energy00000
ABT 290CGrad Reserch Conference00000
ABT 317Teaching Ag Mechanics00000