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UC Davis Course Reviews

University of California, Davis

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARE 132Coop Business Enterprise55421
ARE 018Business Law55541
ARE 100AIntermed Microeconomics22111
ARE 240ETime Series Topics00000
ARE 112Organization Management00000
ARE 100BIntermed Microeconomics00000
ARE 299Individual Study00000
ARE 298Directed Group Study00000
ARE 277Natural Resource Econ00000
ARE 275Resource & Environ Econ00000
ARE 256BApplied Econometrics II00000
ARE 119Inter Managerial Acctg00000
ARE 240BEconometric Methods00000
ARE 240AEconometric Methods00000
ARE 233Agricultural Policy00000
ARE 231Ag Prod Supply & Demand00000
ARE 215AMicro Development I00000
ARE 214Development Economics00000
ARE 202CApplied Microeconomics 200000
ARE 200AMicroeconomic Theory00000
ARE 199Special Study00000
ARE 202AApplied Research Methods00000
ARE 299DSpec Study Doctoral Diss00000
ARE 276BNon-Market Valuation00000
ARE 271Financial Economics00000
ARE 256AApplied Econometrics I00000
ARE 240CTime Series Econometrics00000
ARE 240FCross Section Topics00000
ARE 223Economics of Agriculture00000
ARE 215CMicro Development II00000
ARE 204AMicro Analysis I00000
ARE 115BYEconomic Development00000
ARE 200BMicro Theory00000
ARE 197TTutoring Managerial Econ00000
ARE 173Capital Markets00000
ARE 166Econ of Global Poverty00000
ARE 150Agricultural Labor00000
ARE 145Farm & Rural Res Apprais00000
ARE 140Farm Management00000
ARE 136Managerial Marketing00000
ARE 192Internship00000
ARE 172Financial Mgmt of Firm00000
ARE 240DCross Sect Econometrics00000
ARE 239Econometric Foundations00000
ARE 232Commodity Markets00000
ARE 215BOpen Macro Development00000
ARE 204BMicro Analysis II00000
ARE 202BApplied Microeconomics00000
ARE 200CMicroeconomic Theory00000
ARE 198Directed Group Study00000
ARE 176Environmental Economics00000
ARE 254Dynamic Optimiz Tech00000
ARE 157Analysis Oper Prod Mgmt00000
ARE 146Business/Gov't Reg/Soc00000
ARE 144Real Estate Economics00000
ARE 139Futures & Options Market00000
ARE 135Ag Marketing Plan Dev00000
ARE 121Econ of Ag Sustain00000
ARE 118Tax Accounting00000
ARE 115AEconomic Development00000
ARE 107Econometrics for Bus Dec00000
ARE 120Agricultural Policy00000
ARE 175Natural Resource Econ00000
ARE 171Principles of Finance00000
ARE 156Intro Math Econ00000
ARE 155Oper Res & Mgmt Sci00000
ARE 143Investments00000
ARE 142Personal Finance00000
ARE 138Intl Commodity Res Mrkts00000
ARE 133Intro to Behavioral Econ00000
ARE 130Agricultural Markets00000
ARE 099Special Study Undergrad00000
ARE 115BEconomic Development00000
ARE 113Marketing Management00000
ARE 106Econometrics00000
ARE 098Directed Group Study00000
ARE 396Teaching Asst Train Prac00000
ARE 293Anlys Cal Ag & Resources00000
ARE 276AExternalities00000
ARE 258Demand & Market Analysis00000