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UC Davis Course Reviews

University of California, Davis

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
DES 015Form & Color53441
DES 001Introduction to Design45341
DES 014Design Drawing53451
DES 112UI/UX Design53551
DES 016Graphics & The Computer52551
DES 142AWorld Textiles: Eastern00000
DES 223Professional Practice00000
DES 137ADaylighting & Int Des00000
DES 136BDesigning with Light00000
DES 135AFurn Design & Detailing00000
DES 134AIntro Interior Design00000
DES 127ASustainable Design00000
DES 126Design Ethnography00000
DES 116VisCom: Graphic Design00000
DES 113Photo & Digital Imaging00000
DES 111Coding for Designers00000
DES 099Special Study00000
DES 070Intro Textile Structure00000
DES 050Intro to 3-D Design00000
DES 040BIdeologies of Design00000
DES 299Individual Focused Study00000
DES 298Dir Group Study00000
DES 290Seminar In Design00000
DES 186Environmental Graphics00000
DES 187Narrative Environments00000
DES 157BInteractive Media III00000
DES 396Teaching Asst Train Prac00000
DES 299DProject Concentration00000
DES 292Practicum in Design00000
DES 225Studio Pract in Design00000
DES 222Res Methods & Writing00000
DES 199Special Study00000
DES 197TTutor In Design00000
DES 191ACostume00000
DES 144History of Interior Arch00000
DES 166Human Centered Design00000
DES 161Screen & Digital Print00000
DES 159Design for Understanding00000
DES 157AInteractive Media II00000
DES 156Graphitecture00000
DES 154Message Campaign Design00000
DES 150ACAD for Designers00000
DES 150BCAD Presentations00000
DES 148Trend Forecasting00000
DES 132AIntroduction to Weaving00000
DES 151Type in Motion00000
DES 150CAD Presentations00000
DES 149Information Design00000
DES 145History Visual Comm00000
DES 143History of Fashion00000
DES 141Cultural Studies Fashion00000
DES 138Materials/Meths Int Arch00000
DES 137BDaylight Design Studio00000
DES 136ALighting Tech & Design00000
DES 134BIntro Interior Design00000
DES 155APattern, Form, & Surface00000
DES 127BStudio Practice Sus Des00000
DES 117Interactive Media I00000
DES 115Letterforms & Type00000
DES 107Adv Fashion Design00000
DES 077Intro to Fashion Design00000
DES 051CAD for Designers00000
DES 040CDesign Aesthetics/Exper00000
DES 040AEnergy,Materials,Design00000
DES 021Drafting & Perspective00000
DES 175Func Apparel Design00000
DES 198Directed Gp Study00000
DES 192Internship00000
DES 191BEnvironment00000
DES 185Exhibition Design00000
DES 180BAdv Interior Design00000
DES 180AAdv Interior Design00000
DES 179Signature Collection00000
DES 178Design & Wearable Tech00000
DES 177CAD for Fashion00000
DES 221Theory and Issues in Des00000
DES 171Fashion Drawing00000
DES 170Experimental Fashion00000
DES 169Advanced Textile Design00000
DES 168Interactive Objects00000
DES 167Prototyping00000
DES 165Industrial Design00000
DES 160Textile Design: Patterns00000
DES 158Data & Lrg Scale Install00000
DES 157Interactive Media II00000