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UC Davis Course Reviews

University of California, Davis

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
EDU 181Teaching in Sci & Math55551
EDU 092Internship00000
EDU 201Qual Research Education00000
EDU 198Directed Gp Study00000
EDU 185Digital Learning00000
EDU 173Language Development00000
EDU 151Lang Dev Chicano Ch00000
EDU 150Cultural Div Ed Sociopol00000
EDU 130Issues in Higher Ed00000
EDU 120Philos & Social Found00000
EDU 110Ed Psych: Gen00000
EDU 210Psych of School Learning00000
EDU 065CUC Davis & Beyond00000
EDU 306ATeach Secondary Sch00000
EDU 304ATeaching in Elem School00000
EDU 298Group Study00000
EDU 294Spec Topic Sci, Ag, Math00000
EDU 291Proseminar in Education00000
EDU 270Research Teacher Ed/Dev00000
EDU 260Modern Hist of Sci Educ00000
EDU 398Group Study00000
EDU 306CTeach Secondary Sch00000
EDU 304BTeaching in Elem School00000
EDU 299Individual Study00000
EDU 299DResearch00000
EDU 295Special Topics in LMS00000
EDU 292Special Topics in Educ00000
EDU 287DCANDEL Dissertation00000
EDU 205BEthno Rsch School: Field00000
EDU 247Response Cult Div Lit00000
EDU 244Seminar Lang/Lit/Cult00000
EDU 237Survey Research Methods00000
EDU 236Ed App HLM00000
EDU 229Educ Finance Policy00000
EDU 220Policy Analysis00000
EDU 213Individual Assess00000
EDU 264Science Ed Reform00000
EDU 203Edu Testing & Evaluation00000
EDU 065AIntro to the University00000
EDU 399Individual Study00000
EDU 306BTeach Secondary Sch00000
EDU 304CTeaching in Elem School00000
EDU 235Critical Pedagogy00000
EDU 223Educ & Social Policy00000
EDU 211Sociocult Learn Theory00000
EDU 205AEthno Rsch School: Theor00000
EDU 098Directed Gp Study00000
EDU 199Special Study00000
EDU 192Internship00000
EDU 152Acad Span for BilTeacher00000
EDU 147The Spanish Black Legend00000
EDU 121Intro Ed Policy Analysis00000
EDU 115Edu Disabled Child00000
EDU 100Intro to Schools00000
EDU 081Learning in Sci & Math00000
EDU 200Educational Research00000
EDU 249Discourse Analysis Educ00000
EDU 245Early Literacy00000
EDU 238Participatory Action Res00000
EDU 230Special Topics: Policy00000
EDU 226Cult/Soc Org Higher Ed00000
EDU 215Achievement Motivation00000
EDU 206DInq Class Prac: Analysis00000
EDU 204ACorrelation & Regression00000
EDU 065BIntro to Research00000
EDU 197TTutoring in Education00000
EDU 183Teaching HS Math & Sci00000
EDU 163Guidance & Counsel00000
EDU 142Intro Environ Educ00000
EDU 122Child Learn & Mat Cultr00000
EDU 119Use/Misuse Standard Test00000
EDU 114Quan Meth In Ed Res00000