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Uc Merced Course Reviews

University of California, Merced

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CSE 100Algorithm Design and Analysis41351
CSE 160Computer Networks31541
CSE 165Intro to Object Orient Program53351
CSE 005Intro Computer Applications45341
CSE 107Intro to Digital Image Process53541
CSE 155Intro Human-Comp Interaction00000
CHEM 100LOrganic Chemistry Laboratory00000
ECON 116Organizational Strategy00000
EDUC X302Teaching Practicum00000
BIO 144Phylogenetics00000
CHEM 291Chemistry Seminar00000
EECS 268Datacenter-Scale Computing00000
CSE 021Introduction to Computing II00000
BIOE 260Advanced Biomedical Imaging00000
CSE 185Intro to Computer Vision00000
BIO 104Biophysics00000
ECON 158Economics of Regulation00000
CHEM 194Ethics and Communication00000
EDUC X316Single Subj Methods: Hist Soc00000
ANTH 174Lithic Artifact Analysis00000
ENG 011Intro to World Lit00000
BIO 152Cancer Genetics and Tumor Biology00000
COGS 125Intro to Artificial Intell00000
COGS 177Consciousness00000
BEST 210Structure and Properties of Materials00000
BIO 172Sustainability Ag Ecosystems00000
COGS 202CogSci Foundations II00000
CRES 190Senior Capstone00000
BIOE 166Bioelectronics00000
CSE 106Exploratory Computing00000
BIO 005Biology Today00000
CSE 176Intro Machine Learning00000
CHEM 002General Chemistry I00000
ECON 100Interm Microeconomic Theory00000
ANTH 152Dying, Death, and Dead Persons00000
ECON 142The Economics of Gender and Poverty00000
CHEM 131Molecular Spectroscopy00000
ECON 201BMicroeconomic Theory II00000
BIO 127LBGeneral Virology Lab B00000
EDUC X318Single Subj Methods: Science00000
CHEM 225Molecular Electronic Structure00000
EECS 251Advanced Operating Systems00000
ANTH 124Ethnopsychology00000
EECS 283Adv. Topics in Intel. Sys.00000
COGS 013Scientific Thinking00000
ENG 021Jane Austen And Popular Culture00000
BEST 200Special Topics In Bioengineering00000
COGS 149Music, Language, and Cognition00000
BIO 161Human Physiology00000
COGS 179Cognitive Science of Religion00000
ANTH 130Material Culture00000
COGS 214Data Visualization00000
BIO 180Math Modeling for Biology00000
COGS 243Interdisciplinary Computational Graduate Education00000
COGS 290Grad Professional Development00000
BEST 224Polymeric Materials00000
BIO 189Behavioral Ecology00000
CRES 020Intro to Asian Amer Studies00000
CRES 145Black Consciousness and African Freedom00000
BIOE 124Intro Biomed Imag00000
CSE 015Discrete Mathematics00000
BEST 299Solar Cells, Modules & Systems00000
CSE 024Advanced Programming00000
BIOE 230Computation Model Bio Sci00000
CSE 120Software Engineering00000
ANTH 149Archaeology of Food00000
CSE 168Distributed Software Systems00000
CCST 060Intro to Chicano/a Culture00000
CSE 179Intro Parallel Computing00000
BIO 047Astrobiology00000
ECON 006AFinancial Accounting I00000
CHEM 008LPrin of Org Chem Lab00000
ECON 110Econometrics00000
ANTH 114Social Memory00000
ECON 121Econ of Money & Banking00000
CHEM 113Chem Thermo and Kinetics00000
ECON 150Economic Development00000
BIO 123Human Parasitology00000
ECON 170Game Theory00000
CHEM 155Instrumental Lab00000
ECON 245Immigration Economics & Policy00000
ANTH 169Primatology00000
EDUC X424Humanities and Visual Literacy00000
CHEM 210Organometallic Chemistry00000
EDUC X400Research Methods in Education00000
BIO 133Flora of California00000
EECS 210Linear Multivariable Control00000
CHEM 260Intro to Scientific Computing00000
EECS 262Networking of Embedded Sensor Systems00000
ANTH 100History of Anthropology00000
EECS 278Advanced Algorithms00000
CHN 002Elementary Chinese II00000
EECS 289Grad Professional Development00000
BIO 150Embryos, Genes, and Develop00000
CRES 076ASocial Dance, Social Bodies00000
BIOE 030Introduction To Bioengineering00000
CRES 101Race and the Media00000
CRES 120Race, Law and Civil Rights00000
COGS 110AEthics & Technology00000
ANTH 003Anthropological Archaeology00000