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UCA Course Reviews

University of Central Arkansas

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ACCT 3315Cost Accounting00000
ACCT 4390Special Problems In Accounting00000
ACCT 5316ADVANCED INC TAX online00000
ACCT 5323Employment Law00000
ACCT 6309Tax Research And Planning00000
ACCT 6317Seminar in Auditing00000
ACCT 6339Estate Planning00000
ACCT 6382Graduate Internship In Accounting00000
ACCT 4V82Internship in Accounting00000
ACCT 2310Principles of Accounting I00000
ACCT 4322Legal Environment of Business II00000
ACCT 3323Employment Law00000
ACCT 4304Gov't/NotForProfit Acct Online00000
ACCT 4312Advanced Accounting00000
ACCT 4316ADVANCED TAX Online00000
ACCT 4382Internship In Accounting00000
ACCT 6304Gov't/NotForProfit Acct Online00000
ACCT 6319Corporations And Shareholder Taxation00000
ACCT 6350Seminar In Accounting Leadership00000
ACCT 6390Employment Law00000
ACCT 6320Seminar In Accounting Information Systems00000
ACCT 6V82Internship in Accounting00000
ACCT 2321Legal Environment of Business I00000
ACCT 3312Intermediate Accounting II00000
ACCT 3320Accounting Information Systems00000
ACCT 3382Internship In Accounting00000
ACCT 4317Auditing00000
ACCT 4383Volunteer Income Tax Assistance for Preparers00000
ACCT 5312Advanced Accounting00000
ACCT 5322Advanced Business Law for Accountants00000
ACCT 6310Seminar In Accounting Theory00000
ACCT 3V82Internship in Accounting00000
ACCT 6340Seminar in Case Studies in Accounting00000
ACCT 6383Volunteer Income Tax Assistance for Preparers00000
ACCT 4V91Certifications In Accounting00000
ACCT 2311Principles of Accounting II00000
ACCT 3311Intermediate Accounting I00000
ACCT 3316Individual Taxation00000
ACCT 3376Taxation for Entrepreneurs00000
ACCT 4305Estate Planning00000
ACCT 4315Advanced Cost Accounting00000